CPU for Hosting(Closed)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by OneBlackNinjaBG, Jan 18, 2014.

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    Hello guys, yesterday I saw dedicated server on my country for cheap price, but the cpu is AMD Athlon 3280 Octocore 8x 2.4 Ghz so is this cpu good for minecraft server or no(I have 3 server - Survival 100-120 players, Minigames 100 players and Prison with 50 players) ?
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    I don't think it would be able to handle that many players.
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    Clinton What do you chоose AMD Athlon 3280 Octocore 8x 2.4 Ghz or Intel core i7 6x 3.20 Ghz ?
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    I would pick the i7.
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    The thing is: Minecraft is not really optimized for multicore. There is multicore support, but its limited. Most of the chunk sending and rendering happens on one core. The compressing and other plugins CAN run on seperated cores.
    For those reasons I would recommend using a 4GHz AMD quadcore, (dont buy 8 cores, and do not buy AMD's buildozers).

    I should also add, most networks that have a minigames, survival , creative ,.. seperated mcserver use multiple servers or physical processors. F.ex. My server has 2x AMD quadcores.

    There is no reason to use an i7 if there is a good AMD or i5 btw. i7's only extra feature is 4 hyperthread cores. But a server does not use or need these. (mostly for fast video rending, or maybe in the future games)
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