Solved BuyCraft help!!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hootking88, Jan 15, 2014.

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    i was wondering what the "Initial commands" do? I was thinking it was asking what permissions you want them to have but then i wasn't sure nd i want to make sure before someone buys it nd get the wrong thing. I would GREATLY Appreciate it if someone can tell me how it works.

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    That would be the command sent through your server's console when a person purchases the package.
  3. Offline


    @mrCaveman Like the permissions that will get or is it a Message that will pop up saying " Thanks for donating {name}! "?
  4. Offline


    If you put this in the initial commands box:
    say {name} purchased this item!

    When a player (Say their in game name is Sudzzy) donates to that package, that command would be sent through the console and in game a message will show:
    [Server] Sudzzy purchased this item!
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    @mrCaveman Ohh, Thanks know i get it!
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