Why is this not working? [EssentalHub]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Smartloser, Dec 23, 2013.

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    Hello. I am trying to configure the plugin EssentialHub to work with my server, this is my config:

    ###########Hub Config File###########
    #true = enabled.
    #Make people Adventure mode when they join?
    adventuremode: false
    #Give people Speed potion effect when they join?
    speedpotion: true
    #Speed potion level
    speedpotionlevel: 1
    #Give people Jump potion effect when they join?
    jumppotion: true
    #Speed potion level
    jumppotionlevel: 1
    #Give people Hide / Show players torch when they join?
    torch: true
    #Delete 'player.dat' when a player disconnects?
    playerdata: true
    #Disable hunger?
    hunger: true
    #Disable chat?
    chat: false
    #Disable rain?
    rain: false
    #Cancel item drops?
    itemdrop: true
    #Disable leave message?
    leavemessage: true
    #Custom leave message? Replaces <player> with the players name.
    leavemsg: '&b<player> &chas left.'
    #Disable join messages?
    joinmessage: true
    #Custom join message? Replaces <player> with the players name.
    joinmsg: '&b<player> &ahas joined.'
    #Teleport player on join?
    teleportjoin: false
    tpjoinx: 5
    tpjoiny: 5
    tpjoinz: 5
    #Show a message when a player tries to talk (If chat is disabled)
    chatmessage: false
    chatmsg: '&bSorry, chat is disabled.'
    #Want the plugin only to be enabled in one world?
    world: false
    worldname: 'world'
    #World name:
    locktime: true
    locktimeworld: 'world'
    locktimetime: 0
    #Enable broadcaster?
    broadcaster: false
    #In seconds, how often it broadcasts. (120 = every 2 minutes)
    broadcast-interval: 120
    #look in plugins/HubBroadcast.txt
    #Servername: Name item will display. Serverdescription: The lore the item will have (Text under the item). Command: The command the player will use when they select an item, example: /server pvp. Use & and a color code for colors. Server Item Type = The item it will be use (Item ID)
    #Server Selector enabled?
    ServerSelector: true
    ServerSelectorDisplayName: '&fSwitchPvP Hub'
    ServerSelectorTitle: '&bSwitchPvP Gamemodes (:'
    ServerSelectorItemType: COMPASS
    #Server1 (First item)
    Server1DisplayName: '&5KitPvP Server'
    Server1Description: '&3Fight to death!'
    Server1Name: 'kitpvp'
    Server1ItemType: DIAMOND_SWORD
    #Server2 (Second item)
    Server2DisplayName: '&5Prison'
    Server2Description: '&3Don't drop the soap!'
    Server2Name: 'prison'
    Server2ItemType: BEDROCK
    #Server3 (Third item)
    Server3DisplayName: '&5Skyblock'
    Server3Description: '&3Create your own island!'
    Server3Name: 'skyblock'
    #Server4 (Fourth item)
    Server4DisplayName: '&5Factions'
    Server4Description: '&3SwitchFactions (:'
    Server4Name: 'factions'
    Server4ItemType: IRON_BARS
    #Server5 (Fifth item)
    Server5DisplayName: '&cSurvival &3Server'
    Server5Description: '&bExample'
    Server5Name: 'survival'
    Server5ItemType: 0
    #Server6 (Sixth item)
    Server6DisplayName: '&cCreative &3Server'
    Server6Description: '&bExample'
    Server6Name: 'creative'
    Server6ItemType: 0
    #Server7 (Seventh item)
    Server7DisplayName: '&cPvP &3Server'
    Server7Description: '&bExample'
    Server7Name: 'server pvp'
    Server7ItemType: 0
    #Server8 (Eighth item)
    Server8DisplayName: '&cCreative &3Server'
    Server8Description: '&bExample'
    Server8Name: 'creative'
    Server8ItemType: 0
    #Server9 (Nineth item)
    Server9DisplayName: '&cPvP &3Server'
    Server9Description: '&bExample'
    Server9Name: 'pvp'
    Server9ItemType: 0
    Every time I start the server, it's like it's not loading from the config, it just does the default settings without me being able to change them. The config is keeping my edits, it's just that the plugin can't read it for some reason... anyone have an idea why?
  2. Offline


    Are you sure your YAML syntax is correct?
  3. Offline


    what is YAML syntax?
  4. Offline


    That has to do with the type of file it is and how it reads things; you can paste the file into an online YAML parser to see if there are any syntax errors. When I put your file into the parser, it found an error with this line:
    Server2Description: '&3Don't drop the soap!'
    The problem here is that apostrophes are considered special characters. So when you have one there in the word "don't", it needs to be escaped for the file to read it correctly. Try changing that line so it looks like this:
    Server2Description: '&3Don''t drop the soap!'
    That's putting two apostrophes right beside each other in there, not using one quotation mark, just to be clear.
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