Craft Event

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by thepluginbros, Dec 14, 2013.

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    Hi guys,
    I have an problem with an project I'm working on!
    I want it to make if you craft and chest with an custom crafing recipi that you get an chest with the name who crafts the item!

    My code does'nt work!
    My code:
    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void onChestCreat(CraftItemEvent event){
    3. ItemStack chest = new ItemStack(Material.CHEST, 8);
    4. ItemMeta im = chest.getItemMeta();
    5. im.setDisplayName("" + event.getWhoClicked());
    6. chest.setItemMeta(im);
    7. ShapedRecipe chests = new ShapedRecipe(chest);
    8. chests.shape(new String[] { "SSS", "SIS", "SSS" });
    9. chests.setIngredient('S', Material.STRING);
    10. chests.setIngredient('I', Material.CHEST ); getServer().addRecipe(chests);
    12. event.getWhoClicked().getInventory().addItem(chest) ;
    13. }

    I hope someone can help me out!
  2. Offline


    is this what you mean?

    link to youtube:
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    No, I want to get the player who crafts the item!
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    Elaborate more please
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    If you craft: and chest in the middle and string around it you will get an chest with the name who crafts it!
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    So the players name is the name of the crafted chest?
  7. Offline


    yes, if my playername is "plugin" and I craft the chest the name off the chest will be "plugin"
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