Bukkit Sunday! :) [Get your plugins reviewed!]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by HyrulesLegend, Oct 19, 2013.

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    Hey guys.
    I am very happy to announce that I'm bringing back an old series of mine from my old channel, Bukkit Sundays! This is a series where I review plugins, once every Sunday! :)

    How do I get my plugin reviewed?
    To get your plugin review, simply fill out the following formats, and leave a reply on this thread!

    Plugin Name:
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev:
    Main purpose of your plugin:
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?):

    I will try to review as many as possible! If a lot of people like the series, I might also do it more often then just Sundays. :)
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    Plugin Name: FirstJoinPlus
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/firstjoinplus/
    Main purpose of your plugin: To display a message showing someone has joined for the first time and do other things like give the player a kit or teleport them.
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): Your choice!
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    Episode 1 uploaded!
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    Plugin Name: jProtection
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/mcspawnprot/
    Main purpose of your plugin: So people would stop asking for this plugin on plugin requests all the time.
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): Your choice! EDIT: Max_The_Link_Fan Will you do it?
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    Plugin Name: JOPHWarn
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/b/JOPHWarn
    Main purpose of your plugin: User warnings/infractions
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): Warnings and infractions, custom command features. Basically everything.
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    Plugin Name:SpawnerCage
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/spawnercage/
    Main purpose of your plugin: Ability to craft spawners in survival
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): Spawners you can create and the perms
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    Thanks for so many replies everyone! I will be setting up, and recording a lot of your plugins tonight! :)
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    Plugin Name: BetterJetpacks
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/betterjetpacks/
    Main purpose of your plugin: Allows you to create highly configurable jetpacks and fly around with them.
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): Most of the plugin is in the configuration, so I suppose mostly that, however I could understand it being rather boring to make a video about, so you could just showcase the jetpacks that are set up by default if you'd rather.
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    Avatar thief! :p

    Plugin Name & Link: HarryPotterSpells (documentation on http://hpspells.com/)
    Purpose: Cast spells and simulate the world of Harry Potter in Minecraft
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): How awesome the spells look, the extensive configuration, how to generally use the plugin (scrolling through spells, casting, etc), whatever you feel is cool/unique :)
    Max_The_Link_Fan likes this.
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    Read my post to JOPH on my profile and you'll understand. :3
  12. Offline


    Ah, I see. Well just keep confusing everyone until you find that picture :p
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    Plugin Name: Subterranea + Giant Caves
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/subterranea/ http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/giant-caves/
    Main purpose of your plugin: Create epic underground worlds to explore and conquer
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): Explore the world and show off what it can do. Explain how the world is 3x deeper and the caves are enormous.

    Subterranea and Giant Caves both work on their own, but they are best when put together.
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    I won't be able to upload one this Sunday! Sorry! :(
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    I'm currently developing a plugin that allows you to change your server's MOTD and Max Players in game. Ill post it here when I'm done.
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    Plugin Name: CameraObscura
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/camera-obscura/
    Main purpose of your plugin: Using map as source for displaying pictures. Making photos, loading pictures from file.
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): Using map as source for displaying pictures. Making photos, loading pictures from file :)
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    Plugin Name: Medic (the original medic plugin)!
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/medic/
    Main purpose of your plugin: Adds support for medics, can be used in conjunction with GroupManager to make an awesome Medic class.
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): /feast command, maybe the right click heal with paper (I'm not 100% sure on how well this works, so if you could test it that would be helpful :) ). You could go over how simple the config is. There aren't too many commands so you could go over them all.

    If you do a full review of my plugin, showing off all the features, I'll assign you as a tester on Bukkit Dev and have your video right on the front page of it! :D
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    chaseoes Uploaded FirstJoinPlus, Episode #2!

    fromgate and chaseoes like this.
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    Plugin Name: cmdBook
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/cmdBook
    Main purpose of your plugin: cmdBook allows you to create commands, scripts starting from easy -> hard in books. The main purpose of cmdbook is to have an easy way to create/edit scripts ingame and link/trigger them with buttons,. .. etc
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    Plugin Name: PurpleIRC
    Link the Plugin on BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/purpleirc/
    Main Purpose: Relay chat to and from IRC
    What should I talk about the most (certain features, abilities, etc?): The ability to run game commands from IRC. Topic protection. IRC user modes. Anything else that might be interesting.
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