Inactive [SEC] NoCheat v3.5.0 [CB 1.2.4 R1.0][ABANDONED]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Evenprime, Feb 15, 2011.

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    Xp10d3, Dereku, MyPictures and 35 others like this.
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    Okay, what I did exactly:

    Vampires can use a speedup while holding a red rose and rightclicking.
    I tested it and resolution was that user without 'nocheat.speedhack' permission can't use it, because their positions are resetted.
    I used Vampires 1.4.1 and NoCheat v0.8.1.
  3. Offline


    I'm running 0.8 at the moment. People seem to be unable to walk across fences (I put it so that their positions are reset even at the lowest warning level). Could you take a look at the plugin catching people on moving violations when theyre trying to walk across fences?
  4. Offline


    Hey Evenprime, got to say I love this plugin, been using it for a while now and has made our lives SO much easier! I was wondering if it would be possible for you to make it detect people instant-breaking blocks?
  5. Offline


    Are you sure about running 0.8? I've fixed that already and just tested it again with v0.8 and v0.8.1. Running, Jumping, Crawling on/over fences works just fine for me. Maybe you've forgotten to delete the old "NoCheatPlugin.jar" from your plugin folder when you installed the new "NoCheat.jar"? Or are you using some kind of custom fences?

    The relevant permission is 'nocheat.moving' (you probably meant that anyway), and I see where the problem is now. However, fixing that is not 100% possible. I'll do my best to make it at least work most of the time for the next version.

    Instant-breaking blocks shouldn't be possible with bukkit version 670 anymore. The server now keeps track about the time the player needed to break a block.
  6. Offline


    Ah ok, i'm still on 617, that's probably why :)
  7. Offline


    I updated and the problem ceased to occur. Thanks
  8. Offline


    Hey there,
    no i ment speedhack, cause moving is not touched, its only a jum,p multilpier, but walkin is multiplied too, so its speedhack
  9. Offline

    Alex K

    Hey EvenPrime, love the plugin, but could you add a bit more functionality to some of the options in a future update please? On My server, I allow flymod, but anything else it strictly prohibited, and under moving it includes noclip, which is a definite no-no. So, could you please add something just for flying, so I can enable that and disable eeverything else. Thanks.
  10. Offline


    I have to rewrite the moving check now anyway to at least mitigate problems with plugins like Vampires, which sadly can't be really fixed (I swear Notch wrote the Minecraft server exactly in the worst way possible to make my job as impossible as it can be). That's a good time to add the option to allow "normal" flying (that is flying with the same speed as people would move on ground) via Permissions.

    Edit: I'll probably finish the new version sometime tomorrow (Sunday).

    It'll give you (as said) the option to allow flying by giving players the permission "nocheat.flying" (while it still checks for no-clip and moving too fast), plus a config option to use a "less precise" method for the moving check, which will allow plugins like vampires to work at the cost of being no longer as effective as the "normal" version in certain situations (but that's probably still better than nothing).
  11. Offline


    I'm on #617 with v0.8.1, I'm also on the OP txt list, and I have the '*' in my permissions (I use group manager), and it pops up saying "zombe fly mod is disabled...ect".

    How can I fix this? I gave myself the 'nocheat.moving' permission too, and that still didn't fix it.
  12. Offline


    Good job! This plugin actually helped me ban some random hacker. Keep up the good work!
  13. Offline


    That has actually nothing to do with my plugin. The newest version of Zombes mod deactivates itself if the server doesn't send a MOTD (message of the day) containing the words "z-fly" (and/or "z-cheat"). You can read more about the what and why in the zombes modpack thread at the minecraft forums.
  14. Offline


    Hey, im kinda confused:

    Ive installed the plugin, and (i think) everything is working fine; but now i just dont know how to activate things like the moving feature. Is there a sort command for it like /nocheat moving/speedhack or so? Already tried /nocheat moving; but that aint working :|

    Hope someone can help me :)

  15. Offline


    Currently configuration is only done via the config file "plugins/NoCheat/nocheat.yml". The file will appear the first time the server successfully loads the plugin. The standard configuration is that those two are activated, so unless you changed the content of that file, they should work.

    You can use the "/nocheat" command ingame currently only to see what parts of the plugin are active, or "/NoCheat -p playername" to see what parts affect that specific player. Read the "Configuration" part of my first post for details for each option.

    Version 0.8.2:
    • Needs CraftBukkit Build 670 or newer
      I now use a method that is only available in that build (and newer), so you'll have to upgrade your CraftBukkit.
      Older versions of CraftBukkit have a big security whole that allows any player to crash your server, so updating is a good idea anyway
    • New, more precise and simpler implementation for bedteleport using the new interface for beds
      That's the reason why CB 670 and newer is now a requirement.
    • new permission "nocheat.flying"
      This is some kind of middlepath between giving players the "nocheat.moving" permission or not. Players that have this permission can use fly mods, but they can't use them to fly at high speed or to fly through walls and such things
    • new config option "moving: precisevelocity" (default true).
      Normally you shouldn't have to care about this option. If you set it to false then the "moving" check will behave different, less precise in situations where the player gets pushed around or accellerated by other plugins like the Vampire plugin. This also means I no longer guarantee that it will prevent all kinds of exploits/hacks (well, I don't guarantee that anyway, but you get the idea), but it is still better protection than nothing imho. Maybe I'll find a way sometime in the future to achieve the same without loosening the security net, but for now that's the only fix that actually seems to work reliably.
    • cleanup: The plugin will (at regular intervals) delete data of players which are no longer online
      You may think now: "Didn't it do that before?" and the answer is yes, it didn't. But it is likely you didn't notice anyway because the amount of data stored per player is really small (less than 1KB per player) and the data got removed whenever the plugin is reloaded or the server restarted. So unless you had ten thousands of different players on your server without restarting/reloading, it really didn't make a difference.
    PS: I finished rewriting my first post, so you may want to have a look at it for new/better information about my plugin.

    If you set the new option "moving: precisevelocity" in the config file of the 0.8.2 version of my plugin to "false", there shouldn't be anymore problems with that (or at least far less problems). I tested it with the Vampire plugin and couldn't cause false positives anymore that way.

    I've finally decided on a license for my code. I'll go with the MIT license. You can find it already in my github repository and it will be included in the .jar file beginning with the next version of my plugin.

    MIT License (Wikipedia)

    If you don't understand in which way this affects you, then it most likely doesn't. It is only interesting for other software developers.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  16. Offline


    Those are my settings ATM:

    Made myself an op, and still not able to do it? I really got no clue how to do it :confused: Tried to jump, look up, look down; nothing worked
    Don't you need to type a command in-game to activate the speedhack/moving feature?
  17. Offline


    "nothing worked"? The plugin should never prevent players from walking and jumping around normally, just from moving too fast, jumping too high (or flying around), walking through walls and other such "illegal" moves.
  18. Offline


    Yeah i mean the speedhack/moving feature didnt work, i can walk around normal ;)
  19. Offline


    Ah, now I get it (I believe). A misunderstanding about what this plugin is supposed to do. :)

    This plugin can only prevent flying, speedhack and other cheats from being used.

    If you actually want to fly, speedhack, ... you have to use a client mod that does that. For flying you can use "Zombes modpack" (you can find it on the official Minecraft forums, be sure to read instructions there on how to make it work), the speedhack thing is simple to do, just set your computer clock forward a minute or two and you'll get about 15 seconds where you can run really fast in the game.

    If you are OP (or if you use the Permissions plugin have given yourself the relevant permissions), the plugin won't prevent you from using these cheats.
    If you are not OP (or don't have given yourself the relevant permissions), the plugin will prevent you from using these cheats.

    I changed my stance on donations and put up a donation link now, just out of curiosity, after reading this thread. ;)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016
  20. Offline


    Can't access that thread. Guessing for Plugin Dev's only?
  21. Offline


    Could be. Didn't think of that. So I'll give a very short summary. As the thread title suggests, plugin devs are talking about how many donations they got, with sometimes quite surprising results, both positive and "negative" (negative is probably not the right word in combination with donations).
  22. Offline


    Ooh my bad, guess i've missreaded it then =P
    Cool plugin anyways :)
  23. Offline

    Alex K

    Thanks for getting this out so quick, I appreciate it. :D
  24. Offline


    Good Deal. I think its a cool idea if ppl want to give back something for your time. :)
  25. Offline


    Getting this error from time to time randonly.
    CB RB: 670 NoCheat 0.8.2
    19:47:38 [SEVERE] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
    19:47:38 [SEVERE]       at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(
    19:47:38 [SEVERE]       at java.util.HashMap$
    19:47:38 [SEVERE]       at
    19:47:38 [SEVERE]       at$
    19:47:38 [SEVERE]       at
    19:47:38 [SEVERE]       at
  26. Offline


    Thanks for telling me. It was a stupid programming error by me (but in this case nothing serious).
    It's an error that only appears if at least two people are on the server and one of them left. I only tested this alone therefore it didn't happen during my testing.

    Version 0.8.3:

    - Fixed ConcurrentModificationException
    - Added MIT license copy to .jar archive
  27. Offline


    Thanks for this great plugin! It works great with the Wings plugin (doesn't say it's an illegal move for flying) and allows the superjump to work with GodMode! And it stops my friend from using his fly mod, he was so confused as to why it didn't work :)
  28. Offline


    Nice to hear that. :D

    Technically all plugins like superjump should be working now with my plugin (most of the time and except in situations with extreme lag in communication from server to client).

    The only problem left is with plugins that accellerate a player not up (and possibly into a direction) but only in some direction on solid ground (like the dash in the Vampire plugin can). In that case I have a hard time to find out that a plugin has given that accelleration to a player, because the minecraft server overwrites the relevant values the moment a player touches the ground (and that is most times before *I* had a chance to read them and modify the checks accordingly for that case). But I already have an idea to fix that/grab those values before minecraft has time to overwrite them, making the whole thing even more reliable. ;)
  29. Offline


    Thanks again! As for a donation we'd like to give money sometime in the future but for now if you'd like access to a special group (specialized permissions) for testing purposes so something like this doesn't happen again send me a PM. There's usually an admin on to test new plugins.
  30. Offline


    How does this work in combination with Big Brother, has anyone used it that way? When you rollback changes with Big Brother it might sometimes place blocks in illegal positions, would this stop it or allow it to continue?
  31. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Maybe you could add something for xray-ers? For example, changing ores to smoothstone, and then when a person is close enough, it would turn it back to the ore. I read some stuff about this in the forums, and ways to work around possible lags (with the checking and all that). Something you could add in the future.
    Edit: I've seen FoundDiamonds before, the problem is that we don't know if they found them legitimately or not.

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