Hey i need some help

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by zabattaro, Oct 23, 2013.

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    Exist any plugin that you can choise , when you log in the server, the tipe of languaje that you want , like english or spanish and then change, all sign languaje?

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    I would agree though that a server side translator would be very handy. I run a couple of different servers for world wide players and (although I require chat to be in English) sometimes players will ramble off in Swedish and such and I have to copy and paste into an external translator program to find out what they are saying. An internal translator would help bring the whole community closer.
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    English probably isn't his first language, telling him to learn how to spell is kind of rude :p
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    Nickbbeezy I agree.

    Its really rude. Maby it isnt his first language, maby hes young, or just sucks at spelling. T3h Cr33p3r cmon man.

    T3h Cr33p3r No I don't. Maby hes bad. But it was really really rude of you. "Learn to spell" its his life, not yours. Im sure Im not the only one to feel like this.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    zabattaro Summary: Your english isn't the best, but at least you try, so that is good ;)
    And signs won't be able to change server side, unless you have a huge translate plugin behind it
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    And imagne if 1 English player was looking at it and one Spanish person.... :confused:
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Packets can fix that however
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    True....but yes that would be a huge plugin if you want many languages. Maybe make a language folder that a user can add language files to? Then get a translating team to make premade language files? God that's a lot of work o_o
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Translating signs would take years, better thing to do would use an already existing database like google translate, then store each sign temporarily, when the translate fails then fall back to the default sign
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    Translating is one of the hardest things to do when coding. If someone does end up writing a plugin that can translate everything it would be very large and cause extreme lag on the server when someone changes their language.

    Translations are also not 100% correct most of the time, you could have a sign that says "Fall down" and the translation would come out to "<season> down".

    Do not get me wrong on this, if a plugin that can accomplish is made it would be amazing but it would come at great cost to the people who put the plugin on the server and would probably cost the developer and extreme amount of time.
    timtower likes this.
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    Sadly, I don't think this is possible.

    French: Désolé, je n'pense pas c'est possible.
    Latin: Vestibulum non videtur esse possibile.
    Spanish: Lo sentimos, no creo que esto sea posible.
    Yiddish: אנטשולדיגט, איך טאָן ניט טראַכטן דאָס איז מעגלעך.
    German: Sorry, ich glaube nicht, das ist möglich.

    Hopefully I covered your language.

    What would be really cool is to make a BungeeCord plugin that hooks into the Bungee "ServerMessageSendEvent" (whenever the server sends a message to the player) event and uses the Google Translate API to do the translation. Put in perspective, it wouldn't be that hard.

    Bukkit people, please don't hate on me for mentioning BungeeCord. Just said it because this simply cannot be done with the Bukkit API. And no, BungeeCord does not require spigot.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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    It can be done with the Bukkit API. It's mainly all about the tremendous delay it would produce. The concept would be something along the lines of getting the text, sending (with regular java code, no bukkit code needed) a translation request to google, receive the translation (on every single language any player on the server has chosen) and display that message to him only. Basically rewriting the whole chat system, with translation.
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    milesmcc no offence i would rather lag a single server then an entire network (but i still love BungeeCord)

    whitehooder AKA cause tremendous lag cause the translate would have to be called every time someone types in chat
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    It would probably only add an unnoticible 100ms to the time. Who knows :0

    I'm going to give it a try
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    Google translator isn't the best...
  16. Offline


    Sorry guys, im from argentina, i know a lot of english but i have some gramatical problems yet. Sorry for that.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Trying and making mistakes is better then not trying and getting nowhere ;)
    But what do you want after you read all of the above posts?
    Garris0n likes this.
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    milesmcc The translations would slow you down tremendously, as you'd overflood the stream if you don't have a really great connection. The rest is a couple of milliseconds ;)
    Good luck anyway
  19. Offline


    Know of a better one? I'd like to hear it.

    Google Translate works in a brilliant way, though. It scans texts and looks for patterns. It compares the scanned text with the human made translation and voila-- it's vocabulary has improved.

    Assuming the user is not home hosted, it should be fine.

    With the way I plan to do it, even plugin messages will be translated.
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    Keep us posted on this one milesmcc
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    Will do.

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