Filled ServerMessage (Thank You mbcx2!)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by bc112354, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin Category: Chat
    Suggested NAme: Server Message
    What I want: Using this tutorial to display messages in messages.yml over health bar with this tut
    Ideas for commands: /sm: Lists server messages and uptime for the messages
    Ideas for perms: : for command /sm
    sm.recieve : To recieve messages over Boss Health Bar
  2. Offline


    Sure I will do that for you!
    I need to go somewhere right now, I will do it once I come back!
  3. Offline


    Thank you! I orginially found this on <Edit by Jade: Removed advertisement.>. The owner said he made it, and wouldn't give me source code :'(
  4. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    He also wouldn't give you the jar?
  5. Offline


    He wouldn't give me anything. Oh soz about ad, just showin an example.

    mbcx2 Hows it goin?
    timtower likes this.
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    kind of almost done!

    Only works for Minecraft 1.6.4, Because it uses craftbukkit code for the packets.
    If a new version of Minecraft comes out, just remind me and I will easily update it for you.
    Also ONLY players which has sm.recive permission or is op can see the bar, Also there is little bit bugs but it's because of how it works with the tutorial you linked.
    Edit: If you would give me something small in return it would be nice, not money, but anything that might make my day almost :)
    Edit: Download file down after 8 months of it being up, it is outdated too so if anyone needs the source code ask me [email protected] or PM me.
  7. Offline


    Thanks, Ill test it out.
    What do you want? IDK what to give you! xD

    It works great. Is it possible to have more than 3 messages, or is that the limit. Also do you want me to put this on Bukkit Dev for you?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Doubt it that you are allowed to upload a plugin somebody else made
  9. Offline


    How many messages do you want me to add more?
    Edit: Sure you can post it in bukkitdev, but you need to add me in the developer rank of the project, so then I can post updates
  10. Offline


    mbcx2 Only if i didn't wipe my hdd. Hey nice plugin :D Tho there are alot of autobroadcasting plugins as I do own one. It will take alot of time to get downloads.
  11. Offline


    Okay posting it in BukkitDev.

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