Solved PermissionsEx not working

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xXCreeperGuyXx, Aug 19, 2013.

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    Hey guys,

    Im trying to set up a bukkit server and everything works fine except the plugin PermissionsEx.
    I used a stock Permissions.yml so then I was sure the yml is right. But everytime I add myself to the default group I still have acces to all commands while there are only a few added to the group.
    I tried a few different yml's and different guides but I still have the same problem.

    Here is my current yml:

    can anyone help me with this??


    my PermissionsEx version is v1.19.6 this is a version for 1.5.2 and Im on 1.6.2 so maybe that is the problem?? if so, do you guys maybe know some sort of developement version for 1.6.2??
  2. Offline


    xXCreeperGuyXx Are there any error messages in the console? If so, paste your log.
  3. Offline


    Either way pex is not the recommended permissions plugin, are you absolutely sure you are not opped?
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    No there are no errors it just loads perfectly fine and it also says permissionsEx intialized.
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    xXCreeperGuyXx Does the prefix appear, or does everything not work?
  6. Offline


    oke i got it working now by de-opping myself but I will not close the thread because I tried the same solution a few hours ago and then it didn't work.
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  8. Offline


    No its working good right know so I will close the thread. Thanks for your help!!
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