Solved Get integer in a string

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by slater96, Aug 16, 2013.

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    Hello, I need to get the integer in a string e.g.

    String test = "Example 10";

    How can I get the integer from that string? Thanks
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    Use Integer.parseInt(string);

    Not sure how to get just the integer from that string, maybe test.split(" "); ?
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    int myNumber = Integer.parseInt(test.split(" ").get(1));
    but this relies on only having one space before the number; having 'Example blarghhhh 1' and 'Example 1' will not work. basically replace the 1 in .get(1) with however many spaces you have before the number. if the number of spaces might change, then there is probably no simple way to do this. this is how I do it, anyway.
    slater96 likes this.
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