No one in my server can build/place blocks (except operators)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 123baloe, Aug 14, 2013.

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    If you aren't op in my server and you want to place/brake/interact with a block it shows a message with: 'U cannot use dirt or this block is cursed etc'. I think this has to do with Modifyworld but I don't understand the plugin that good. Can someone please help me fix this permission?

    here is what the plugin looks like:
    informPlayers: true
    itemRestriction: true
    whitelist: false
    use-material-names: true
    drop-restricted-item: false
    item-use-check: false
    message-format: '&f[&2Modifyworld&f]&4 %s'
    default-message: Sorry, you don't have enough permissions
    modifyworld.items.use: Stop, &a$1&4 won't fit into &a$3
    modifyworld.login: You are not allowed to join this server. Goodbye!
    modifyworld.blocks.interact: You are too jelly for &2$1 This is wrong place for &a$1
    modifyworld.blocks.destroy: '&a$1&4 is tough for you' Your level is too low for &5$1 Listener is deaf :( Your mouth is too dry
    modifyworld.items.have: Prohibited item &a$1&4 has been removed from your inventory.
    modifyworld.items.drop: This is indecent to scatter &a$1&4 around
    modifyworld.items.hold: Beware, &a$1&4 is cursed!
    modifyworld.items.craft: Sorry, but &a$1&4 is too complicated
    modifyworld.items.enchant: Sorry, &a$1&4 is too dangerous
    modifyworld.vehicle.enter.boat: You are too heavy for this &a$1
    modifyworld.vehicle.enter.minecart: Sorry, but &a$1&4 is too small
    modifyworld.vehicle.destroy: This &a$1&4 is legal property of &bUnited States of America
    modifyworld.tame: This &a$1&4 is too ferocious
    modifyworld.bucket.fill: This bucket is holey
    modifyworld.bucket.empty: You suddenly realized you still need &a$1
    modifyworld.usebeds: You can't sleep yet, there are monsters nearby
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    Wrong Section
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    Moved to Bukkit Help.
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    In your permissions plugin, give them the permission:
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