Should I use MySQL or YML

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SuperOmegaCow, Jul 17, 2013.

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    For an infection game I am making I need to store kill and death integers somewhere and I don't know how to used SQL/databases. What is my best option and I don't feel like learning SQL!
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    MySQL is essentially the same thing as SQL.
  3. Offline


    chaseoes Is thenewboston a good youtuber to learn SQL off of?
  4. Offline


    Why use a database? There are plenty of other options.. Bukkit has a very nice FileConfiguration for YAML. No SQL knowledge needed. Unless of course you want to store it in some online database.
  5. MySQL would be a bit overkill just for simple data like that. Personally, I'd use Bukkit's Persistance implementation.
  6. Offline


    For small plugins, yaml is really the easiest/best option
  7. Offline


    gomeow well I am probably going to have to go with MySQL due to networking etc.

    gomeow savagesun chaseoes what is a good tutorial for implementing it into my plugin?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016
  8. Offline


    Why would networking issues make you choose mysql over yaml?
  9. Offline


    gomeow multiple computers all using the same data from the database
  10. Offline


    And this is really what you need here? Having multiple servers access the same data of your plugin?
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    CubieX Yes I certainly do. ;)
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