Bukkit 1.6 help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xIce5, Jul 8, 2013.

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    Hi, when ever a 1.5.2 cilent tries to connect to my server, they do not know their cilent is out of date, unless they put their mouse over the connection signal. I know i could change the MOTD (on server list), but when your on a 1.5.2 cilent, it just says "???", even though that is not correct. Does anyone know how i can fix the MOTD? I know a few servers that was able to do this, so i know it is possible.
    I also noticed that whenever you want to know how many players are on, it also says "???", instead of <playeramount>/max. It only does this if you are in a 1.5.2 cilent
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    You can change your MOTD in server.properties. It is the very last option. You cannot, however have the online players update automatically in the server.properties. You could also downgrade to CraftBukkit 1.5.2 until they make a 1.6 RB.
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