Looking for Plugin Dev. to create mini-game!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Gearfried, Jul 5, 2013.

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    Hello, I've got a plugin request. It's a bit complicated, but it could become the next big thing.
    I've built the entire arena, and set up everything I can, but I have no experience with plugins. I need a developer to help me with this, keeping in mind that this could easily be the next big mini game that comes to popularity!
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    First off, it's got a lot of stuff in it. It starts in an arena, (you join by punching a sign, and players vote to start the game), and the arena is huge with a random colored wool floor. The colors used are red, blue, white, black, yellow, purple, lime, pink, and orange.

    Each wool color will give an effect with a certain strength and duration (each color is a different effect with a dif. random strength and duration.) The durations minimum is 3 seconds and the longest is 10 seconds, to keep it reasonable. Also, keep the strength of the effects from getting out of hand, so limit them at a certain point.

    Players start with a wooden sword and a steak, and they have to survive against other players, and the floor slowly burns away into a lava pit.

    Also, there is a small platform with chests in the center of the arena; it floods with lava at the flip of a switch. There are dispensers around the cieling with buttons on all sides; players with a bow can shoot the buttons and set off the dispensers. They're filled with random items, so it's a surprise every time. (Examples: arrow, tnt, fireball, chain chestplate, stone sword, etc.)

    I want the arena, chests, dispensers, and all the containers, etc. to regenerate fully after each match, and I want the wools to change effects every match as well.
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    I don't think I violated any of those.
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    I can at least try can't I?
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    I would make this, but unfortunately sometimes people need incentives or motivation in order to commit to such a large project. I think due to the fact that your request is extremely long, people will be put off committing to your project. Sorry but I won't be making this plugin and I highly doubt anyone will be interested. Maybe learn java and give it a go! I would be more than happy to help you out. - creepers84

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