How does MCWarfare make their tutorial (bukkit)?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mrpickles71, Jun 30, 2013.

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    So I joined this one server to see what kinds of neat things the server has that I might want on mine. Right when you join this server, you need to take a tutorial to advance. During this tutorial, the server denies access to chat, inventory, changing item in hand, and pressing ESC. Also, as I have not been able to find out how to do, the server displays a message (not in chat) right in the middle of your screen. I was wondering what code allows all of these things to be done, for I thought none of these were possible. Thanks

    IP For Server Above:
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    mrpickles71 I dont know how they disabled the Esc button... But the onscreen chat is made by setting the name of an item.
    They blocked chat, inventory and item in hand change by cancelling the event they belong to.

    Yes, I was in the server.
  3. mrpickles71
    There is an event for EVERYTHING that can happen. They just cancelled the events.
  4. What...I didn't know that exists? Is this correct? (I guess not?)
  5. Offline


    I might remember there was something like maybe "closeInventory() each tick" which prevents player from pressing ESC. (preventing them from leaving the server via menu, muhaha)
  6. InventoryOpenEvent event, event.setCancelled(true); ?
  7. Offline


    I thought that only closed things like Player Inventories or Chest Inventories?
  8. Offline


    I just checked that out... all i can say is ... wow! Very neat!
  9. Offline


    InventoryOpenEvent does not fire when a player open their own inventory. :)
  10. LucasEmanuel
    Yes it does. CaptainBern
    Yes it is correct, otherwise how would the client know when to bring up menus? The options key activates an event which triggers the menu. This however is clientside and requires a serverside mod (i beleive) to read it from a plugin.
  11. Offline


    Um, no it doesn't. It's purely client-side.
  12. Offline


    I am not sure. I just might remember that this was the case in a version of Spectate, where when you spectated someone you werent't abel to stop spectating (chat was closing also all the time) or leave the server that easy ;P I thought it was because of closeInventory() ..
  13. blablubbabc
    It uses a serverside mod (probably) to check for clientside menuOpen event.
  14. Offline


    You can't just listen for a client side event like that without a client side modification.
  15. Offline


    I honestly don't see what's so 'special' about this tutorial thing on their server.

    To keep closing the inventory, they're just calling p.closeInventory(); every tick. Everything else is quite simple to make, too.

    And, I don't see why you would choose to annoy your players so much by blocking the ESC-menu. Seems just stupid to me, I wouldn't play on a server that doesn't even allow me to use the disconnect button. I'd say the admins / developers are quite stupid, but that's just my opinion.
  16. Rprrr
    That would lag, they cancel the open inventory event.
    Yes you can, you need the server side modification to listen to what is already coded as a client side event.
  17. Offline


    Please, read the previous posts in the topic before posting. You obviously didn't, as LucasEmanuel clearly stated the InventoryOpenEvent isn't called for when the player opens his own inventory.

    Also, a simple runnable that runs on every tick wouldn't even cause that much lag - in fact, everything that happens in Minecraft, in the Minecraft server software ánd in Bukkit runs on ticks that are often called 20 times per second. I don't know what you're basing that on, but you wouldn't even notice the lag.

    The fact that they're actually doing this with a runnable becomes even more clear when I press escape rapidly; sometimes I manage to get the escape menu for a split second. Same's for opening my inventory.

    Also, you can't, as zack6849 already stated, simply do a server modification to detect such events without doing a client modification.

    Please read, try to understand what is said and don't just repeat yourself. Especially not when when you do not seem to have too much knowledge of Bukkit plugin development.
    zack6849 likes this.
  18. Offline


    Here's a simple way to do this, and is probably how their server does it.
        public void onEnable() {
            getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    for (Player p : getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
                        if (p.hasPermission("plugin.tutorial")) {
                        } else
            }, 20L, 1L);
    This will not allow anyone with the permission 'plugin.tutorial' to chat, open an inventory, or use the 'esc' button.
  19. Offline


    wouldnt you need
     if (!p.hasPermission("plugin.tutorial")) {
    Because you close the inventory constantly if they DO have the node
  20. Offline


    I'll make this simple...

    He asked for a tutorial/general help, not opinions.

    So... put out, or get out.

    And I agree, the chat on the screen, is probably a item they give a player with that meta.displayname

    The most simple way, would be to cancel the esc like others have said, make perm warps, set your warps.

    While coding, (simple way lol) force the player to run the warp command, freeze them, add the item to slot 1, cancel slot sel and run the warp command again when they right click and make it then else.

    You may hold the record for if then else statements lol... but it would get the job done xD
  21. Offline


    True, forgot about permission inheritance.
  22. Offline


    The only thin I am curious about is that you can't see any items in your inventory. Can you add a display name to AIR?
  23. Offline


    mrpickles71 When I joined the server, I was holding a stick. They also said to turn tool tips on so yes, they were changing the display name of the item.
  24. Offline


    I saw a plugin a few months back for exactly what you're talking about on BukkitDev. Can't seem to find it now.
  25. Offline


    kk sweet thanks GodzOfMadness and everyone else who helped

    one last thing though, how do they prevent you from changing item in hand (1-9)?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
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    gabrielhowat likes this.
  27. Offline


    To make the player can not change the slot of your quick bar:

    1. Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler()
    2. .scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new Runnable() {
    4. public void run() {
    5. for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
    7. p.getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(0); // The number is the slot of quick bar (0-8)
    10. }
    11. }
    12. }, 0L, 1L);
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