Plugin won't work on other servers..

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Pizza371, Jun 30, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Ok, so I made a small plugin, and I tried it on my home hosted server, it worked... but then when I try it on my hosted server, or my friends public server, it doesn't work... no errors.. just, nothing works o..O
    Anyone know why this could be? It isn't plugins because my hosted server only has Essentials, and it works on my home hosted server with essentials.
  2. Offline


    You need to give us more information to even try to solve this. What does the plugin do, what does it depend on, are there any OS-dependant bits (using "/" or "\\" instead of File.separator?)
    This isn't enough information to answer the question.
  3. Offline


    It saves player kills / deaths to a HashMap & shows them on /stats. but that's not what's important... I'm literally trying to do /stats and not even the simple message shows. It also doesn't depend on anything..
  4. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Compare your startup logs between servers.
  5. Offline


    Has the plugin loaded correctly? Are there any errors in the console, perhaps on loading up?
  6. Offline


    Private ^
    Hosted ^

    That's all I get.. on the private server it works, but on the hosted server it doesn't
    Also, no errors when I do /stats in the hosted one, just.. nothing. Also if it helps, when I do /help stats (ess) it shows /stats: <the description I gave the command in plugin.yml>.
  7. Offline


    Hello Pizza371,
    May you post the Source of the Command?
    Maybe there is a bug in your code.
  8. Offline


    On your hosted, does it say Enabaling blahblahblah?
  9. Offline


    MP5K I would, just, if there was a bug, why would it work on my home hosted server?

    dillyg10 yup

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2016
  10. Offline


    yes it does
    maybe you are returning under certain circumstances? Like another player or something like that because: it seems like that your command is working correctly but the code in it not.
  11. Offline


    All that the command triggers is a simple message to the sender; the message sends on my private (home hosted) server but not on the hosted one (I do it exactly the same way, with plugins that work with it on my private server). >.v
  12. Offline


    It seems that you are reluctant to supply us with the code to check for errors. (Which I understand) But there may be underlying problems with your code!
  13. Offline


    Post your code so it can be easier to help
  14. Offline


    pointfit, creepers84
    you don't seem to understand.. why would I need to supply code for something that doesn't even do anything yet, just simply trying to get it to function on another server, and I've pointed out that it WORKS on my private server.
    if you really need the code.. which i really dont see why you need it but ok:
        public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
            if(cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("stats")) {
            Player player = (Player)sender;
            player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "    ===== Stats =====    ");
            player.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "Kills: " + (EventManager.kills.containsKey(sender.getName()) ? EventManager.kills.get(sender.getName()) : "==="));
            player.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "Deaths: " + (EventManager.deaths.containsKey(sender.getName()) ? EventManager.deaths.get(sender.getName())));
    return false;
    Sorry if I sounded like a douche, I just don't get your logic.
  15. Pizza371
    Does the plugin appear red in /plugins, if at all?
  16. Offline


    Mineblemone Nope, green on plugin lists on both servers. : <
  17. Pizza371
    Any errors generated when you use the command?
    Try making the command only say a word - "test"
  18. Offline


    Mineblemone the thing is, it works on my private server, so I dont see the need to make it more simple, just it doesnt work on my hosted server.
  19. Pizza371
    It might be a generation problem, i.e things don't generate. Just try it.
  20. Offline


    are you ABSOLUTLEY sure there are no errors when the plugin enables? check the server.log THOROUGHLY on the remote server to be sure, if i had to guess i woul;d say its because you may have compiled with a higher JDK than the server has
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