Spawning Players Randomly

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by r0306, Jun 26, 2013.

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    I need to spawn players at random locations within an arena filled with buildings and houses (basically it's a town and yes, there will be different arenas). I want to spawn them so that no player will be spawned within a 20 block radius of another player. How would I do this while making sure that players are not spawned on top of buildings or anywhere other than the ground?
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    Thanks for the reply but that isn't quite what I'm aiming to do. I need to actually determine which locations are valid (not stuck inside a building or not on top of a building) which I don't think RandomSpawn does.
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    Mmm, this is quite a bit of logic, basically you should go about it like this

    random number between the corners
    if it is in 20 blocks on a player, repeat
    if the block above it isn't air, repeat

    how you translate that to code, is your job dude :p.
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