Blocks and locations

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by NoLiver92, Jun 10, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    I know you gen get a location from a block but how do you define a block and add a location to it?
  2. dafuq? You might want to explain it a bit more o.0
  3. Offline


    you can do block.getLocation();

    but how can i do block.setLocation();
  4. Offline


    You don't. A Block object represents a fixed point (voxel) in the world. You can't change its location.

    What is it that you're trying to achieve here?

    (If you just want to get the block at a given point in the world, then world.getBlockAt(x, y, z) or world.getBlockAt(loc) is probably what you want)
  5. If I am rights, is that you are meaning to move a block from one location, to another?
  6. Offline


    He pretty much wants to set blocks. IE: change 17, 45, -66 from a stone block to a glass block (well... of the sort)... This will involve using -> Block, BlockFace, and Material. (Might post a quick snippet on how later on if I've got some time).
  7. Offline


    World world = p.getWorld();
    world.getBlockat(); should set a block in that would then set the position
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