Aggressive chicken?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Metal Julien, Jun 11, 2013.

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    Metal Julien

    Hi, I want to make chickens attacking Player, exact same behavior as Zombies etc. How do you do that? If it's very difficult, does anyone know an already written plugin for that?

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    You can make anything attack anything by doing mob.setTarget(other_mob). So in your case, myChicken.setTarget(myPlayer).

    Ah, but programming the actual behaviour of zombies might be a bit more difficult. You could just setTarget when the player is in range I suppose.
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    Metal Julien

    adam753 Nop, the setTarget doesn't work at all, not if I just do it once, not if I Loop it, not if I stand 1 block away from it and not if I do it with 10...
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    Metal Julien you might have to create a class that extends the EntityChicken class (from NMS) and give it properties/goal selectors that will make it target nearby players.
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    Metal Julien

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    I think you could use the RemoteEntities library to replace the AI of the Chicken with that of a Zombie, but I'm not positive.
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