Multiverse Bed Respawn Glitch

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by whaling, Jun 3, 2013.

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    I have multiple worlds, one of which is Survival (it's not the default world) and I want people who die in the Survival to respawn at their bed in that world. This works until they change worlds, at which point their bed home is deleted.

    Is this a problem with Multiverse? Essentials perhaps?

    I'm running 1.5.2-R0.1 with the following plugins: BattleArena/Tracker, CommandHelper, CoreProtect, DisguiseCraft, Enjin, Essentials (including GroupManager), LWC, MCDocs, MessageChangerLite, Multiverse Core, Multiverse Portals, Multiverse NetherPortals, Multiverse Inventories, neoPaintingSwitch, NoCheatPlus, OnTime, PlotMe, PwnFilter, ProtocolLib, Scheduled Announcer, SimpleHelpTickets, Vanish, Vault, World Edit and World Guard.

    Thanks! :)

    I've tried sharing a bed between all worlds and turning off bedRespawn for the worlds I don't need, but the bed home is still deleted once they leave the Survival worlds.
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    I'm having the same problem, im still in 1.4.7. I have a survival world and a creative one, and every time you change world you lose the bed.
    I'm pretty sure it's a problem with Multiverse Inventories, as it saves the bed correctly between world groups until you change group, at that point the bed just gets deleted from the player file.

    Did you managed to solve it or still have the problem?
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