Where do you get inspiration?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Suraski, May 8, 2013.

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    I've run into a brick wall for ideas on things to make and quite frankly I haven't done anything for the Bukkit community so let's start now?

    Where do you get inspiration for the plugins you make?
  2. Offline


    Sometimes I browse the plugin requests forum to see what good ideas the community have sparked. Sometimes they're only hints away from getting something that could be a success, it's just a matter of programming them which takes time. Other times, like recently, I was approached by a large server looking for a plugin. I only do ideas from those people if they're good ideas, and I have the time. Other inspiration comes from my own need/want for something - like having a working copy of BigBrother at hand <3 Of course irrational, but my love for that plugin continues to live on. :)
  3. Offline


    Plugin requests, feature requests, what i see people talking about, dinnerbones twitter (new snapshot stuff gives me ideas using those features), friends, etc
  4. Offline


    Ah, cool. Didn't know tweets could give you inspiration?
  5. Offline


    Say dinnerbone tweets a pic of mobs stacked on top of mobs, that gives me inspiration to add stacking support to CraftBook's advanced entity spawner. That kind of stuff
  6. Offline


    I would take a sledge hammer and break down that brick wall.
    Never think that you have no ideas, because you always have minecraft client to make mods for!
  7. All you need to do is go to the plugin request section of the forums and you can take it from there ;3
  8. Offline


    I often times do, but most of the times the ideas are not understandable or they ask for a plugin that would require 9 hours of work a day for two weeks
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    I don't seem to have that problem. Most of the ones I find are reasonable and simple.
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