Faction tags not showing up in-game?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by LekidHD, May 11, 2013.

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    Hello all, I was wondering why the in game faction tags before your name are not working.
    I have craftbukkit 1.5.2 r01 and the most recent factions plugin. Is this issue connected w/ Essentials chat possibly? I do not know, but if anyone could help it would be great!
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    I also have this problem :/ I dont know how to fix either due to the factions config is all changed :(
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    If you haven't figured it out already, I have a solution! First you need Essentials chat. You must disable other chat plugins such as ChatManager. (Essentials chat comes with the main essentials download)

    Go to your config in the essentials plugin directory and find essentials chat. (For me this is on line 564)
    You need to edit the message format for factions to show up. Adding the {faction_tag} variable will do it. Then you can add colors. For example, here is my line with the color green and a ~ in front of the faction tag:

    format: '&a~{faction_tag}{DISPLAYNAME}: {MESSAGE}'

    The color code is &a and the ~ is just something fancy to go in front of the faction tag. Here is the finished product ingame:


    TheFamily is the name of my faction. As you can see the tag is green and the ~ is in place as I wanted it.
    Hope this helps! If you already figured it out, pass it on to others!

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