Inactive [ADMN/DEV] Permissions v2.7.4 (Phoenix) - DISCONTINUED! 3.0 has a new home!

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by TheYeti, Feb 25, 2011.

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    Permissions 2.7.4 (Phoenix) - Now with AntiBuild built in!
    Latest Stable: Full Zip | Jar Only
    Latest Dev Build: Full Zip | Jar Only
    Previous Versions: 2.7.3 (JAR) | 2.7.2 (JAR) | 2.7.1 (JAR) | 2.7 (JAR) | 2.6 (JAR) | 2.5.5 (JAR) | 2.5.4 (JAR) | 2.5.3 (JAR) | 2.5.2 (JAR) | 2.5.1 (JAR) | 2.5 (JAR) | 2.4 (JAR) | 2.3 (JAR) | 2.2 (JAR)

    Plugin Authors: How to hook into Permissions

    Permissions 2.x is being discontinued! 3.0 can be found HERE!!!

    I am discontinuing Permissions 2.x and leaving the project. Permissions is not going away though! Since 2.6 I have been working closely with another developer and added them to the team. For the past several version they have not only been assisting with 2.x but also doing a lot of the development of much anticipated 3.x. rcjrrjcr will be taking over as lead developer of Permissions from 3.x forward. I have full faith in them and after working closely with them on the development on the last few version and the next major version I feel that I am leaving this project in more than capable hands. I put way to much work into this project to just leave it with anyone, and this is one of the few programs that I am incredibly proud of.

    Many people will probably wonder why I am leaving again after taking over the project just a few months ago. I could quote drama and headaches, of which there were quite a few with this project. Unfortunately real life happens. Many people already know that I have been having medical issues here lately. Unfortunately while they have gotten better, they have not gone away. This coupled with other real life commitments, going to school full time, and starting up my own company, I am currently in the process of being laid off from work. At this point I have so much stuff going on in my life and am being pulled in so many directions that I am not able to get any work done on anything. This has lead to me missing commitments and letting people down on multiple things.

    Permissions is also a very high maintenance plugin that requires a lot of attention and time. Right now I am not able to devote that time and do not feel it is fair for me to try to continue to be the lead developer on it. I had originally thought that adding other members to the team would be helpful, but unfortunately this just lead to frustration for them and myself as I just was not able to commit to the project enough. Hence, 3.0 has been rewritten almost exclusively by rcjrrjcr with minimal contributions by myself.

    At this point I will be stepping away from the project to focus more on real life and to try to free up some time for other projects and to work with more individual like the wonderful HeroCraft Coding team to fulfill some commitments that I made to them a long time ago and sadly did not come through on. I feel that this is the best for all involved, both myself and the other Permissions developers, as well as the community who deserve someone who can contribute more time and attention to them and supporting them. I do not want to see Permissions end up like many other plugins with an absentee programmer and just slowly wasting away from a great plugin with a lot of potential to a headache with no support.

    I will still be active in the community, just not as much as not in the same way. I'm sure my server will be more than happy to have their head admin back and active again as well.

    Thank you and happy gaming.

    • 2.7.4
      • Added overload of has() and permissions() for plugin devs
    • 2.7.3
      • Fixed negate node add/remove bug.
    • 2.7.2
      • Fix for small subtle bug introduced in last minor version.
    • 2.7.1
      • Commit by DThielke to fix several bugs with programmatic modifications of user permissions.
    • 2.7
      • Further commits by rcjrrjcr
        • Removed negatedNode checks
        • Temp fix for NULL issue
        • WorldConfigurationModification to save only modified configs
        • Fix for cache problems
    • 2.6
      • Pulled in commits by rcjrrjcr
      • Fixed versioning. Last version should have technically been 2.6
      • Fixed invalid config file being written
      • Fixed erroneous conversion message.
    • 2.5.5
      • Updated to be compliant with CB600+
      • Further Maven Integration and Autobuilding
      • Better handling of configuration file errors.
        • If you do not have a world config file for the default world at startup it will now look for config.yml
        • If it cannot find that it will look for world.yml instead in case you named it that when that is not what is in level-name:
        • It will rewrite the config file to be the proper name. At this time it does not delete the old one though.
      • Removed defunct public abstract calls. If your not using the right one by now you should be shot anyway.
    • 2.5.4
        • Added Command aliases for perms and pr
        • Changed the way directories are handled.
        • Stopped it from creating an empty <world>.yml file in base directory
        • Moved project to using Maven.
    • 2.5.3
      • Change from File.pathSeparator to File.separator to fix multiworld perms
    • 2.5.2
      • Added more instructions to the included config file within the plugin
      • Added a check that will use the default world permissions if a world specific config file cannot be found.
      • Added a function to get only the group that a player is assigned to without checking for group inheritance.
      • Added a change to colorize() to fix it hopefully not adding an extra unneeded ascii character and thus creating a linebreak/color switch issue
      • Removed as it was not needed and was a artifact of testing I was doing.
    • 2.5.1
      • Fixed a bug that could cause a group to be returned as null for getGroups()
    • 2.5
      • Added in AntiBuild functionality to Permissions
      • Minor code tweaks
      • Added getGroups(world, player) to PermissionHandler so that plugins can call it to get all of a users groups
      • Fixed the inability to use the permissions -reload all command from within the console. I still need to do some more work on this as it doesn't seem to like to accept anything other than all from console.
    • 2.4
      • Refactored namespaces to keep in line with Java & Bukkit policy
        • This was cancelled as it ended up being not needed
      • Fixed setupPermissions()
    • 2.3
      • Undid removal of some code that I had overzealously purged during cleanup
      • Merged in last of Nijikokun's changes
      • Re-ordered the main class to attempt to fix the problems with Plugin API
    • 2.2
      • Developer change
      • Fixed reloading of configuration files
      • Moved commands to registering with plugin.yml
      • Commands now use onCommand instead of onPlayerCommand
      • Command is now /permissions instead of /pr
    mruczek, kahlilnc, Pii and 58 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Of course you wouldn't want to give the -'*' to a general player, but to an admin, I can see that. If you don't have two mods that do similar things, it shouldn't conflict, ay? So as long as you're smart with your plugins, it should be safe to give the -'*' permission to admins.
  3. Offline


    Depends if you trust your admins enough to use all commands on every single plugin on the server responsibly and not for personal gain etc and not accidentally wipe everyone's inventory or delete /overwrite a second world or kick everyone at once etc.

    We had a system like that but we have found its better to give people including general admins just the commands they need and not any extra ones as most commands wouldn't be used for the day to day running of the server and only used by a couple I'm one server admins when something happens and that we can just op ourselves when needed.

    Also allot of our commands conflict.
  4. Offline


    Heh, all the people I play with I know in RL, or I trust enough to not destroy everything XD

    Edit: Though, if you don't trust them enough not to destroy everything, why are they admins? :S
  5. Offline

    Wolfthal this the famous ,,Permissions'' everyone is talking about and saying:
    ,,Oh this may be abused hope it works with Permissions ''
    and stuff like that?
    Because I heared is really important , and I want to create 5 groups:
    ( lowest rank to highest )
    1. New player
    2. Member
    3.Trusted member
    4.Almost admin

    2. What I want to do more exactly is to block the use of simpleflight ( plugin ) . Only admins can do that.
    Then I want to block building in the spawn radius ( 500 blocks around spawn ) . Only admins could build there.
    How exactly could I do that?
  6. Offline


    Unless you have a mod to stop people from building around the spawn area, permissions can't do that on it's own.

    Where is this "simpleflight" plugin? Is it this one?
    If it is, it doesn't support permissions yet.
  7. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Really? I was unaware of anything like that, but if it's true, that's very good to know.
    If he's using General 2.2, I think it's general.spawn. In General 3.x it's general.spawn.set.
    The advantage of having ten lines just to not give general.time is that you know exactly what permissions they have, and you won't get any surprises when you install a new plugin and suddenly everyone has access to that plugin's admin commands. :p
  8. Offline


    My replies are in bold.
  9. Offline


    Okay I'm getting quite frustrated...
    This is how 1 group looks like.

            default: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                - '*'
    This is the users

            group: Admin
    But still, while ingame i can't use commands in either wordedit nor worldguard... or anyother mod for that sake
  10. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    Except that I mistyped and set it was general.spawn in General 2.2, when I'm pretty sure it's actually general.setspawn like you said.
  11. Offline


    What does this error means?

    Users of my plugin are getting this error and i have no idea what causes it.
  12. I need help...i updated my Server to the latest Version but Permissions doesnt work...iChat doesnt work to....

    plz help me
  13. Offline


    Ok, me again...
    I indented the groups: part and everything below it as told. My new config file:
            system: default
                default: false
                    prefix: ''
                    suffix: ''
                    build: true
                    - '*'
                default: false
                    prefix: ''
                    suffix: ''
                    build: true
                    _ '*'
                    - '-worldedit.*'
                group: Mod
    I now can't use any commands. I think it was working better before...

    This is starting to get irritating. At least I have people to help me! Thanks!
  14. theres the Problem i think you have to use the "-"so that they is: -'*'
  15. Offline


    Due to how you have the permission setup, the 3 top tiers Admin/Boss/Schnuffi will not work, you're inheriting permissions twice and cancelling it out. Take out any inheritance that the three I listed above, do not give them any permissions other than - '*' also get rid of the - '*' you have by your name, you already gave yourself all the commands, doing it twice = cancellation.
  16. Offline


    Where do i add the users?
  17. Offline


    Oh thanks Alphagun. Didn't realize that!

    Grah... typos... >.<

    And sefragus129. Out of curiosity, why would you quote the original post? That's irrelevant, but I figured I'd ask.

    EDIT: Found out that groups: and everything below should NOT be indented.
  18. Offline


    Borrowing Killgoblen's .yml you do it in the same format below the users: node.
            system: default
                default: false
                    prefix: ''
                    suffix: ''
                    build: true
                    - '*'
                default: false
                    prefix: ''
                    suffix: ''
                    build: true
            Your username here:
                    group: Exact group name here
    Just be sure to get rid of the text and put your stuff where you want it.

    Edit: Fixed spacing, rather tried..
  19. Offline

    Celtic Minstrel

    It would appear that you're trying to check permissions on a null player. :|
  20. Offline


    Ah frick, now I feel stupid XD
    Returning the favor, eh?
  21. when ever I try to use the server it says could not load permissions.jar in plugins: null
    and there is no files in th permissions folder
  22. Offline


    Download the Zip file, go into it, open the folder, and drag Config.yml into the plugins\permissions folder.
  23. Offline


    lol. I'm not alone! :D

    Just thought I'd also add that things like - '*' with - '-worldedit.*' don't seem to work. (Exceptions)

    Would it be possible to add this? Thanks!
  24. Offline


    I thought it was added ._.
  25. Offline

    zac lindsay

    What permission node do I use to allow people to use the /list command to see whos online??
  26. Offline


    601 break permissions i think i get this

    19:31:31 [SEVERE] BLOCK_PLACED loading Permissions v2.5.4 (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: BLOCK_PLACED
            at com.nijikokun.bukkit.Permissions.Permissions.onEnable(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
  27. Offline


    Use version 556 then?
  28. Offline


    thas what i did XD.
  29. Offline


    That's good :B
  30. Offline


    Hello, im getting this

    01:46:13 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.3
    01:46:13 [INFO] Loading properties
    01:46:13 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:6969
    01:46:13 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-544-g6c6c30a-b556jnks (MC: 1.3)
    01:46:13 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    01:46:13 [INFO] Preparing start region
    01:46:13 [SEVERE] Could not load plugins\Permissions.jar in plugins: null
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Sou
            at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
            ... 8 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at com.nijikokun.bukkit.Permissions.Permissions.<init>(
            ... 13 more
    01:46:13 [INFO] Loaded Essentials build 2.0.300 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo and ceulemans.
    01:46:13 [INFO] Done (0,077s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  31. Offline


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