Sort /who by permission group and more!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by grmds, Mar 24, 2013.

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    Plugin category: Informational, Chat-Related

    Suggested name: PermissionsList

    What I want: I'd want a plugin that would sort the /who by permissions group, for example it would look like:

    Admin: grmds
    Mod: themindstormman, Hoppinghippo
    VIP: Pokefan223

    Then you could do something like /plist <Group> to list all the players in that group.
    You could also make it execute a command if say nobody online is in a certain permission group. So if no admins are online it will start logging with nocheat.

    Ideas for commands: /plist <Group> : List Players in That Group
    /who or /plist : List players online
    /pcheck : Check if any permission groups aren't online. If so execute a command stated in the config file.

    Ideas for permissions: You can figure this out

    When I'd like it by: Whenever you can get it done. Preferably next 2 days.

    Please start by making this compatible with at least bPermissions. Thanks.
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    1. Essentaisl
    2. Essentials
    3. Essanils
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    grmds Update to the latest version of Essentials.
  4. Offline


    Thank you very much. This works ;)

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