Minigame - Infected - Killing managing.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HeyShibby, Mar 20, 2013.

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    Hello Bukkit Development, what i'm trying to do is make a mini game plugin which is almost done but all I need to do now is work on the team/killing system so when a person on the humans team dies they get put onto the infected team and once all players from the human team have been killed by the infected the game ends, and then restarts after a certain amount of time.
    Thanks in advanced and credit will be given!
  2. Offline


    That doesnt sound like almost done. Managing that kind of stuff isn't all that easy. Do you have any code to provide that we can help you with?
  3. Offline


    I thought it would be a pretty easy job to do ;/ I made a permission way of doing it but if the server was to restart it would cause a huge problem, isn't there any sort of way of doing it easier so it doesn't bug out or take up a lot of ram such as hashmaps?
  4. Offline


    Again you still have not posted any code. I can not really help or say what I would recommend if there is no code.
  5. Offline


    I'm starting from fresh because I want it to be able to be efficient and not kill the CPU/RAM on my server, the last way I did it was with groupmanager permissions which was way to buggy and killed the CPU/RAM because there was so many updates happening. So what i'm asking is what's the best way to do it and how abouts would I do it.
  6. Offline


    For recording kills and deaths I recommend using HashMaps<String, Integer>. String would be the players name and the integer would be their kills or deaths. So I would recommend making two of these. Then on a PlayerDeathEvent listen and then if it meets your requirements then record it. OnDisable then save all of this to a YAML file then reload it onEnable().
  7. Offline


    Okay sounds a lot like what I have at this moment so i'm proud(maybe one thing or two a little different but it's working fine), But how would I go about ending the game when all humans are dead or have left the server?
  8. Offline


    Well you could make a BukkitRunnable that runs every so often and goes okay getting the arena or world. Then going okay if their is no players in the arena or world then do your end game function.
  9. Offline


    I want to try and keep it all in one world, so could I possibly do this with hashmaps(onplayerdeath event)?
  10. Offline


    Yes you would record the death and the killer who was responsible for that players death. Then do a check on that world if there is any players left in it and if so then do your end game function.
  11. Offline


    Okay cool i'll mess around with it and see what I can do :)
  12. Offline



    2 arraylists, living and infected.

    Player death event > add e.getEntity() to infected (obviously check to make sure it's a player?) > Done?
  13. Offline


    This is what I was working towards the only thing i'm stuck with is how to check if the arraylist is empty?;s
  14. Offline


    You just simply so if (list.isEmpty())
  15. Offline



    Edit: MCForger Beat me to it.
  16. Offline


    I can't believe I was that dumb, I couldn't find that anywhere! -.-
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