Server properties port number

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by lieudusty, Jan 3, 2013.

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    Hi everyone!

    I'm having a very weird problem. On my server I can't use 25565 for some reasons and can only use 8080. I changed the port to 8080 in the file and started the server. When I start the server it changes my port back to 25565. I tried to change it to 8080 but it keeps changing back to 25565.
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    1. For some reasons? What's the error/problem in specific?
    2. Which OS? Server specs, etc.?
    3. dedicated / shared system?
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    Make sure you have online-mode on?
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    I've heard of this issue before, the guy had fixed it by portforwarding this port.
    Now I'm not saying this will work for you, but it might. (I mean port 25565)
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    I think if the user cant bind the 25565 port then another server instance is already running on that port. Or another application that uses the same port.
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    Could also be an issue if you run with a (WLAN) router (which almost everybody does), maybe his parents watch him everyday through router protection.. O_O No really, I can watch my brother's internet history from here.. Actually when he's watching p**n I can simply watch it from here through his computer.. Okay that sounds really strange...

    Back to the point: the port 25565 might be blocked by the router or an external program yes.
  7. Offline


    Junnesejer: No. :)

    The port binding happens on the local machine, not on the router or somewhere else. If the message "port already in use" appears, then the port is already used on that computer.
  8. Offline


    Its a shared system. The place I'm trying to run it only allows port 8080 to be open. (Don't ask me why) So switching the port to 8080 makes it get reset back to 25565.
  9. Offline


    Did you stop the server before you edit your
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