Teleport plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Sauron_The_King, Nov 24, 2012.

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    I've been searching for a while for a certain teleport plugin.
    I want to be able to do the following:
    -When anyone stands upon a certain stone pedestal (Or if able, any kind of block), he will be teleported to one of the many specified blocks. It's a one way teleport.
    Could someone help me with getting such a simple plugin for craftbukkit?
    I'm running it on Minecraft 1.4.5.

    Kind regards,
  2. Offline


    There is heaps of these go to the bukkit teleportation section in bukkitdev
  3. Offline


    Hello Seiterseiter1,

    I've been searching for the right one. There indeed are really many plugins.
    But after searching and trying many of them, I still haven't found the right one.
    Most of them don't have the option to teleport to more then one location.
    And many of them don't have the option to make the teleporter work only one way.
    I need a plugin which allows you to do both of these things.

    Maybe someone knows a plugin which allows me to make a teleporter which teleports you
    when you stand on one stone, to any of the 16 other chosen stones. And after that, you can't teleport back.

    Who can help?

    Kind regards,
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Thank you for the response seiterseiter1.
    When I start the server while the plugin "portals" (first link) is installed, I get the error: "Your portals config is out of date, delete it and reload the server". After deleting the config file, and restarting the server, the message will come back and the plugin will have made his own new config file which doesn't work.

    I will be testing the "Igates" one tomorrow probably. I will look if you can set more then one "to-points" (Where you go to after entering the portal).

    But if someone would know how to repair the "portals" plugin, it would be great. Then I could start making the map directly.

    Now I'm going to bed, have to teach my class tomorrow!

    Kind regards,
  6. Offline


    Format your thread so us developers can get a better understanding of what you're wanting to be made.
  7. Offline


    How should 'one of the many' locations be determined? Randomly or sequentially? I have recently taken over the CakePort plugin (, and on the todo list is something very similar to this idea (i.e. one way teleports, from a config defined block...). Would be willing to take this on if you give me some more details of how you want it to function.
  8. Offline


    I'm making a Hunger Games server. In this there are many secrets. One of those secrets will be a maze.
    1) When you push a certain button (In a secret location), you will fall down a bit.
    2) You will land on a stone, which will teleport you to another location.
    3) There are about 32 location-stones. You will be teleported to any of these. Like this, even if you enter dozens of times, you won't know the way.
    4) The only way out is to find the right way to the center of the maze. So you can't teleport back with these teleporters.

    Does this help? :)
  9. Offline


    Okay, sounds good :)
    Do you have a time frame in mind for when the plugin needs to be done by?
    Just curious how do you intend to implement the secret button/falling down part - some fancy redstone mechanism maybe? - how do you ensure that the player is in the correct position to fall down onto one particular block?
  10. Offline


    Hello eccentric_nz,

    I hope this plugin would be available at the end of this week. But I don't know how much work it is and if it already exists.
    I've already made a button which will make you fall at the right place with a redstone mechanism. If you want to know what I made, just read the following;
    1) Connect a Sticky piston on the ground with a trail of redstone dust.
    2) Make the rail go over a block which is 1 block higher than the surrounding blocks. Connect the end with a redstone torch. This way, the sticky piston will remain active.
    3) Make a button. Connect it with a redstone trail which leads to another sticky piston.
    4) Make the sticky piston next to the point where the other trail goes over the higher block.

    5) Place a stone on that sticky piston, so when it activates, it blocks the other redstone signal.
    Like this, if you push the button, the other redstone signal will be disrupted for a second. Than the sticky piston beneath you will deactivate, making the hole beneath you open. Make the button right around the corner, so you can't activate it from a distance. Like this, if you push the button, you will always fall down, to the teleportation spot.

    This is one of the most basic redstone trails I made. I've also made redstone circuits in which you can enter. Once entered, you can't get out for 5 minutes and monsters will keep spawning with intervals. The longer you are in, the more monsters will come. When the 5 minutes are over, the exit door will open and remain open until you go through it. The reward at the end of the Arena is a button. When you push it, 200 blazes will spawn around the world, killing many players who play against you.

    But to keep on topic;
    Could you make this teleportation plugin, or do you know someone who could get one or knows an existing one?

    Kind regards,
  11. Offline


    It was activating the button from a distance that was the key thing for me... Will start the plugin tonight after I have finished work and fed the kids :) Will post progress here as I go
  12. Offline


    Great, thanks for the help. I look forward to hear from you :)
  13. Offline


  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Great work! I thought I would have to wait a week, but not even a day is much better!
    Going to test it right away.

    The ports work correctly. When I step on the sender port, I will be teleported to one of the ports I linked it with.
    So thank you for this. Maybe it would be a good idea to make a command which shows you what ports are created. For when you forget the name of the ports :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  16. Offline


    Have added port and link removal - destroying the FatPort block automatically removes all links, destroying a link block just removes the link. Also added /listport command to show all the block names/locations.
    Download here:

    Fixed a bit of message formatting:

    Do you want a configurable delay before the teleport happens or are you happy with it as is?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  17. Offline


    Personally I won't be needing any delay. It's great the way it is now.
    Thank you very much Eccentric_nz, it's great to have someone who helps random persons with things like this.
    I will put this plugin to good use.
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