Setting up server - Need Plugins

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TimTams, Nov 19, 2012.

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    Hi all,

    I'm finding no shortage of plugins for use with my server, however, they all seem to be dated back a long way and possibly incompatible with the current build of minecraft.

    I am looking for some specific features for my server and would really appreciate if someone could link me to some known-working plugins that will do what I'm asking :)

    -"Guest" build area - to restrict building outside of the specified zone unless whitelisted
    -Chat colours and 'groups' - for admins, guests, VIPs etc
    -Security/logging - to prevent griefing and to let me see who has changed or destroyed blocks
    -Chest/door guard for locking chests and doors
    -Backup and autosave

    My server will essentially be vanilla minecraft but obviously running a public server requires a higher level of control

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    if your new to making a bukkit server, here are the plugins i recommend.


    Those are the basic plugins needed to run a server. Once you learn and understand those, then you can move further.

    I dont know what to use as a backup plugin as i dont have a backup on my current server as its only a test server ran on my PC and for the logging server idk about it either. so may have to google those plugins.
  3. Offline


    Wouldn't recommend pex, see this
    Also you don't really need a 'backup' plugin, you can have a crontab to run a backup command every so often. Not to mention theres applications to allow backing up directories easily. Backups controlled in game will probably lag, I don't know I haven't used one in a long time.
    Your other suggestions sound good.
  4. Offline


    I was not aware of this, i have been using PEX from the beginning, although it is mainly only me on my server, but for future reference, what permissions plugin would you recommend?
  5. Offline


    I switched from PEX to bPermissions last week since bPermissions has built in PEX-bPerms conversion. I use my own chat plugin (it's released) for chat so I didn't have to redo any of that. The whole process went pretty smooth and I got the hang of it quickly. Also on a side note Im sure the plugin is a lot faster the PEX which faster is always better :D
  6. Offline


    Thanks, i will be switching this later tonight.
    I will check out your chat plugin aswell, see what it has to offer. Thanks for the advice.
  7. Offline


    No problem, Im finishing up the next update for it now. If you have any questions i'd be happy to answer them.
  8. if you want a plugin that will show you who edited a block try coreprotect or logblock
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    thanks heaps guys!!! server is looking gooood

    cheers :)
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