Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by brandongordon, Nov 1, 2012.

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    PlayerLink [1.4!]
    Version: v0.1
    *This is my first plugin; No hate!*
    A few nights ago, I invested quite a few hours in tutorials and all that to learn how to write Java, and managed to make a small (incomplete) plugin. It's not finished yet, and probably never will be because the idea allows me to keep adding commands at the players request. It's called 'PlayerLink', and what it allows you to do is;

    A player would use the in-game command: /Website
    This would return the website URL.
    Now, who ever is now in charge of plugin management can use the config file to define the URL given to players when they use the command.

    Another useful command is /vote and this allows the plugin manager to define the URL to a page on a website that allows you to vote for the server, and if you have votifyer installed on your server, this could lead to much more voting, ultimately resulting in your server becoming more popular!

    Tell me, fellow players; what other commands would you like to see me incoperate into my plugin?

    • Use /website to display a link to your server website
    • Use /vote to display a link to vote for your server.
    • Links are configurable via the config.yml
    Version 0.1
    • Release of this plugin
    [^ bukkitDev ^]​
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    How is this useful? No offense.
    I don't really get what the idea of this is, can you explain it better?

    Emphasis on COULD.
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    First off all the language is called Java. Not java-script.
    Java-script is something diffrent. And more for websites.
    Second off all their are already alot of plugins like this.
    And 3th your post doesnt meet the guidlines.( changelog etc)
  4. Offline


    Awww, you beat me to it! >.<

    Also, your 'plugin' can easily be replicated by the functionality of plugins such as CommandHelper.
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    Do you guys not have anything better to do than hate on a 13 year old's first attempt at making a plugin?
    *I'll work on fixing my mistakes now*

    Wait for me to upload the explanatory video, all will make sense.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
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    Its a good start, my first plugin was NoSwear which currently has 60,000 downloads on the latest build. We all start from somewhere...
    RedSeamonster likes this.
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    Thanks. You're the first to provide a positive comment :)
    RedSeamonster likes this.
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    brandongordon I think you are awesome for doing this, to all the people who have no constructive or positive comments, be nice. Everyone who does plugins has to start somewhere. I know Brandon and he is an a very nice person and very good friend.
    <3 u brandon!
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    Well, starting somewhere is true. But, i think it'd be better if he created this, then tested it, then gradually got better, then released a plugin.
    Thats what i did. This is my first released plugin; http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bombs-supports-multi-world/
  11. Offline


    This plugin is lightweight and its out for 1.4 so I don't see the problem of releasing it at all. I think its great that your first plugin can interact with Votifier and help players for a server just by using commands. Also the fact that you want suggestions on what to add next is also very good. Overall, I can't wait to test it out and give you feedback on what to add next.

    Thank you brandon for making this.

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    Thanks, guys for your kind words. You have no idea how much these comments can either make, or in some cases; brake my day :)
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    Yeah, i understand it is a first plugin.
    I think people should try to fill a gap with plugins regardless.

    My first plugin really isn't any more difficult then this, however there was no over
    standalone "instabreak" plugins at the time being updated.

    Good job i suppose though
  14. Offline


    good job to you for having the patience to learn java and put together a functional plugin! Don't let anyone discourage you from making plugins and learning java! If you keep at it, people will start paying good money for your knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge. If you haven't already given up on java and need help with anything, feel free to send me a message on here :)
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    Keep going, and in a few months you will look back and be proud of your first plugin. My first plugin was 'hello world' as was most of the guys on here who learned java to create plugins.
  16. Offline


    Cheers guys, but I own a server myself, and It was just too time consuming to have to upgrade the plugin, and all my server plugins when the update came along, what with school and stuffs :/
    Sorry :)
  17. Offline


    Im almost done finishing my first plugin. any help on how to code it? Im coding word by word on a tut but i want to learn to make my own
  18. Offline


    Sure thing.
    Add me on skype themanbrandon99 and we'll talk <3
    Make sure to send me a message saying: Can you help me with your plugin
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    com. BOY

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