Problem with WGen and y1

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Swang, Oct 26, 2012.

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    I have two questions;

    1. I use bspace and SkylandsPlus and for some reason in 1.3 in both of these worlds an empty chunk at y1 that has a fully visible view of the sky will generate a single tile thick "slab"of random materials at y1. The "slab" doesn't have proper light calculated until you break a block. Breaking a block is as simple as right clicking (it doesn't matter what you right click with) or mining it with a pick. The good thing is that when a block is destroyed it doesn't drop anything. The material the "slab" is made from varies but is in large groups, it can be bedrock, lapis block or ore, coal ore and a few other types as well.

    By empty chunk I mean if there is a single block anywhere in or above the lowest chunk it will not create this slab.

    It hasn't created any issues but its unsightly.

    2. Does anyone know of a simple mod that once the creation of these slabs is resolved would go through designated worlds and remove any blocks at or below y1 without having to do it myself though something like Voxel sniper?
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    Anyone have any ideas on this?
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