Above-ground radiation/posioning

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by generaldon, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I've seen a few radiation plugins, they all are centered around blocks. I want one that works with areas. I simply need a plugin that either can make WorldGuard regions radioactive, or that makes everything above y-64 or a configurable height radioactive.
    As for the radiation itself, I'd like it to be slow poisoning and/or health degeneration. Name doesn't matter, commands aren't necessary unless you want some.
    For permissions: just to disable radiation for those who have this node, maybe anything else you deem necessary.
    Thanks to the talented developer who does it!
  2. Offline


    Bump. I'd like this done so I can start my server publicly. :)
  3. Offline


    Define radioactive... Do you want people to take damage or what?
  4. Offline


    As he said, "slow poisoning or health degeneration"

    This sounds interesting, I'll give this a shot tomorrow! :)

    EDIT: Oh, btw.. if someone steals this from me, then you're gonna have a bad time.
  5. Offline


    If it is damage world guard has a flag to damage players inside a region.
  6. Offline


    NO IT DOESNT!! Shoo!
    *be quiet*
  7. Offline


    Thanks to you both! If you do it, your thanks will be sin(π/6)*[√4] + (3!)^2 - (46,656)^(1/3).
    As a side note, is there any visual thing that could be added, like one of the potion effects but only the visial bit?
  8. Offline


    Do you mean the partile effects of some potion effect?
  9. Offline


    Is that in radian or degree? Kind of important for being able to evaluate your thanks / gratitude, eh!
  10. Offline


    Something like that I suppose. Not the running particles; something that the person will see through their own eyes, like the potions
  11. Offline


    Pssst Woobie use the weakness particle effect it is purple and menacing or the poison one.
  12. Offline


    I'm still not sure what he means...
  13. Offline


    Yes do what he said lol. Like when you drink the weakness potion, your screen turns purple
  14. Offline


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