players lose connection disconnect.overflow

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by bacondragon7, Oct 2, 2012.

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    hello, on my new server i am working on whenever someone tries to connect they join but are kicked right away, this is the error message in the RUN.bat (player name) lost connection:dissconnect.overflow im unsure of this error, everyone but me (the owner) gets it. i tried searching google to fix this but i cannot find answers, i updated my server, deleted some plug ins, but those did not work, the map size for my server is big, but i'v had larger maps on servers on this computer so i know that map size is not the error. I have RAM still left on my computer, alot of it so i know that that is not the problem either. I also updated it to the new craftbukkit. Can someone tell me what the error is?
    Plugins- cannons, chestshop, clearlag, essentials (chat, protect and spawn to), factions, iconomy, lockette, marriage, movecraft, permissionsEx, portecoulissante, safecreeper, spoutcraft, swatchdog, timber, world edit, and zport.
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    i went on there, i redid every thing that i could think of, changed map and changed all plugins, all i can think of now is re creating a complete new server from scratch then pasting the map in. but people still get the error when i tried the other things. any other suggestions?

    ok i found the error, whenever someone teleports or is teleported or something it messes up the thing. does anyone have a solution to this?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  4. Offline


    Teleported to another player?
    And what plugin(s)
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    I tried it with none, and it didn't work, I remade an entire server also, I'll try again morrow and see if it just needed to be turned off for awhile, but I know it's not the map size because iv had servers on much larger maps. And when I tried it with plugins there on my first comment above

    Unless the map file went corrupt I sopose

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
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    Simply, Try to post as much information as possible, I don't have anything on your OS or anything, but since you do believe it is in teleportation, is there anything else other than the overflow error? "it messes up the thing" implies theres much much more to be told than disconnect.overflow
    Perhaps maybe an
  7. Offline


    I had the same issue, and while it may be caused by different things, they way i fixed it was by lowering the view distance in the file. No promises that it will work, because it is a very generic problem, but it's worth a shot ;P

    Good Luck!
    bacondragon7 likes this.
  8. Offline


    alright error is fixed, i lowered the view distance to 5 and it helped, you may be able to make it a bit higher in between 5-10 if you have the problem but theres no lag at 5 so im going to keep it there. thanks chief twitchy
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    No problem! I had the same issue because mine was at 15, so i lowered it to 10 :] So i would say around 10 would be a safe bet, depending on your server specs.
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