Groupmanager + towny. Not working permissions

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Dragonslife, Sep 17, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Hello people,

    I'm trying to get my Towny plugin to work properly however i'm running in to some problems.
    When trying to build in a town (owned by me) it says it's a protected zone, while the permission node is in my permissions file.

    It also appears that (sometimes) when the wildcard (*) is in the third place, it breaks. For example: citizens.* (wildcard in second place) works, but vanish.preventdamage.* (wildcard in third place) breaks.

    Permissions file:
            default: true
                prefix: '&f'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
              - 'essentials.kit'
              - ''
              - 'essentials.afk'
              - ''
              - 'essentials.ignore'
              - ''
              - 'essentials.list'
              - 'essentials.mail.*'
              - ''
              - 'essentials.motd'
              - 'essentials.msg'
              - 'essentials.rules'
              - 'essentials.seen'
              - 'essentials.suicide'
              - 'essentials.tpaccept'
              - 'essentials.tpdeny'
              - 'essentials.balancetop'
              - 'essentials.spawn'
              - 'essentials.balance'
              - ''
              - ''
              - 'iConomy.payment'
              - 'reportrts.command.modreq'
              - 'reportrts.command.check.self'
              - 'reportrts.command.modlist'
              - ''
              - 'multiverse.portal.access.survival_world'
              - 'multiverse.portal.access.creative_world'
              - ''
              - 'multiverse.core.list.who'
              - '*'
              - 'towny.nation.*'
              - '*'
            default: false
                prefix: '&1'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
              - 'Everyone'
              - 'essentials.gamemode'
              - 'essentials.hat'
              - 'essentials.speed'
              - 'essentials.broadcast'
              - 'essentials.enderchest.*'
              - 'essentials.invsee'
              - 'essentials.invsee.modify'
              - 'essentials.jails'
              - 'essentials.killall'
              - 'essentials.remove'
              - 'essentials.socialspy'
              - 'essentials.back.*'
              - ''
              - 'essentials.tpahere'
              - 'essentials.tppos'
              - 'vanish.adminalerts'
              - 'vanish.hooks.dynmap '
              - 'vanish.list'
              - 'vanish.nofollow'
              - 'vanish.nohunger'
              - 'vanish.nointeract'
              - 'vanish.nopickup'
              - 'vanish.notrample'
              - 'vanish.permtest.all'
              - 'vanish.preventdamage.*'
              - 'vanish.see'
              - 'vanish.silentchests'
              - 'vanish.silentjoin'
              - 'vanish.vanish'
              - 'essentials.list.hidden'
              - ''
              - 'essentials.seen.banreason'
              - 'essentials.mute.*'
              - 'essentials.sudo.*'
              - 'essentials.balance.others'
              - 'essentials.afk.kickexempt'
              - 'essentials.getpos.others'
              - 'essentials.ban.notify'
              - 'essentials.tempban.exempt'
              - 'essentials.ban.exempt'
              - 'essentials.kick.*'
              - '*'
              - 'reportrts.command.check'
              - 'reportrts.command.complete'
              - 'reportrts.command.teleport'
              - 'reportrts.command.hold'
              - 'reportrts.command.claim'
              - 'reportrts.command.broadcast'
              - 'essentials.togglejail'
              - 'essentials.togglejail.offline'
              - 'essentials.jail.exempt'
              - 'lwc.mod'
              - 'vanish.preventdamage'
              - 'multiverse.teleport.self.*'
            default: false
                prefix: '&4'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
              - 'Moderators'
              - 'dynmap.*'
              - 'vanish.reload'
              - ''
              - 'essentials.seen.extra'
              - 'essentials.ban.*'
              - 'essentials.banip'
              - 'essentials.essentials'
              - 'essentials.tempban.*'
              - 'essentials.unban'
              - 'essentials.unbanip'
              - 'essentials.tpaall'
              - 'iConomy.accounts.give'
              - 'iConomy.accounts.take'
              - 'reportrts.command.ban'
              - 'treasurechest.*'
              - 'citizens.admin.*'
              - 'citizens.*'
              - 'worldedit.clipboard.copy'
              - 'worldedit.clipboard.rotate'
              - 'worldedit.clipboard.flip'
              - 'worldedit.clipboard.cut'
              - 'worldedit.clipboard.paste'
              - 'worldedit.generation.cylinder'
              - 'worldedit.generation.sphere'
              - 'worldedit.generation.forest'
              - 'worldedit.generation.pumpkins'
              - 'worldedit.generation.pyramid'
              - 'worldedit.generation.shape'
              - 'worldedit.history.redo'
              - 'worldedit.history.undo'
              - 'worldedit.region.walls'
              - 'worldedit.region.faces'
              - 'worldedit.region.set'
              - 'worldedit.region.move'
              - 'worldedit.selection.pos'
              - 'worldedit.wand'
              - 'worldedit.selection.hpos'
              - 'worldedit.selection.expand'
              - 'worldedit.tool.replacer'
              - 'worldedit.fixwater'
              - 'worldedit.fill'
        Server Owner:
            default: false
                prefix: '&5'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                interact: true
              - 'Administrators'
              - 'essentials.give.*'
              - 'essentials.gamemode.others'
              - 'essentials.backup'
              - 'essentials.deljail'
              - 'essentials.setjail'
              - 'reportrts.command.stats'
  2. Offline


    didnt i already went all over the entire thing with you in the #essentials irc..

    incorrect GM groups.yml format (1 years old)
    invalid group name (space in server owner group)
    crashing towny (disable version check for tekkit)
  3. Offline


    I have tried both versions of groups file, both the McMyAdmin made as the manually made. You wanna see the manuall made one too?

    Also, I did disable the version check of towny and towny is running fine now.

    And the space in the Server Owner rank shouldn't give any trouble. Since towny is configured in the Default rank and next to that, all the other permissions which are configured in the Server Owner rank don't give any trouble either? So why should towny because of that?

    I have tried both versions of groups file, both the McMyAdmin made as the manually made. You wanna see the manuall made one too?

    Also, I did disable the version check of towny and towny is running fine now and doesnt crash anymore except for these permissions working properly.

    And the space in the Server Owner rank shouldn't give any trouble. Since towny is configured in the Default rank and next to that, all the other permissions which are configured in the Server Owner rank don't give any trouble either? So why should towny because of that?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
  4. Offline


    space in a rank means you cant /manuadd or do similar things to it. since all nodes work without MMA stupid permissions handling, id guess its with MMA, since towny wiki states*, and since GM and towny are made by the same developer, youd know he tested he knows it works. drop the MMA handling, test the manually made file on a local server, youd see.
  5. Offline


    It works now, I removed the space between Server Owner, seems you were right about that. I didnt think that would be the problem because I was able to /give and /gamemode but those came from other ranks. Thanks again.

    Please note, in my experience MMA does not give any problems with configuring permissions, it reacts the same way as I were to manually configure it.
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