download textures automatically

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Felpz, Sep 14, 2012.

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    setting so that players who come on my server to download the texture I want tive use one wanted them in HD as it enters
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    They can't use hd as minecraft don't support it
  3. Offline


    there's a texturepack setting in
    Just put the URL to the .zip file there.
    If it's a HD texture pack, they'll need to have a modded/patched client!
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    if it is possible, the only way it will work is if all your players have the required mods installed to use the hd packs

    (this is not the case for a lot of people)

    NOTE: they can of course choose not to use your texture pack, if that is what they desire
  5. Offline


    Yeah, i know they can im just saying if you dont have it, it will see fire on punkins ect ect
  6. Offline


    it is up to you really, those who can use it should be able to use it fine, but people who can't use it will probably crash if they try using it, but since they can choose not to use it, if they read what they are clicking, it should be fine, but honestly not many people will read, and they will crash themselves, and won't be able to get their minecraft to start up again until they delete the texture. (so in the end this is very risky, but fine if it is a small server for your friends who all use HD packs)
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