Block Physics

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by minorminer2012, Aug 28, 2012.

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    I have looked for this plugin in the plugin list, but could not find it. I am checking here to make sure this plugin does exist and I missed it.

    I am looking for a block physics plugin that makes all blocks have gravity, so players cannot build weird unrealistic block structures into the sky. Make all blocks act like gravel and sand. If nothing supports it, it falls to the earth.
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    StickyBlocks - With that plugin all blocks fall, but you still can place a block for a roof by placing blocks underneath, then on top, then deleting the ones underneath.
    WarmakerT likes this.
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    This is a nice idea, and it should be possible. I don''t now how, but I'm sure it won't be too hard to check if there is a block underneath. For a fancy anmation you could try the entities Minecraft creates when moving a block with a piston.

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