Piston Bugs, Leaky Report Ignored

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by kyle0440, Aug 24, 2012.

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    Hello, I'm posting here because nobody seems to have noticed my leaky ticket.

    Has anybody else had this issue? Or can any developers possibly fix this please, or, if it is the fault of the plugin developer, could you tell me? This is very important.
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    Well, this is nice. Can ANYBODY look at this?
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    Shure, im looking at this and Id call-upon TnT sonce he is a part of the leaky.bukkit.org
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    Always helps if you can provide pull requests. Otherwise, its up to the team to investigate and find a fix. That can take time, so be patient, or start coding. :)
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    I'm sorry, I fully respect that a lot of work is involved. I was just trying to bring some attention to it, because it seemed like it was being generally ignored, and I didn't want to spam Leaky with a bunch of duplicate reports.
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    That would only cause me to close tickets, and perhaps close the one original one causing no one to look at it. Spamming a bug tracker is a good way to get your issue ignored, not investigated.

    Look at the leaky queue, its not the only ticket in there.
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