really long error

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 123harleycool, Aug 22, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    every time i start my server it does every thing as normal and then it shows this really long error :
    06:50:01 [INFO] width: 800px
    06:50:01 [INFO] background: url("/E5BD541E-52ED-4bfb-B
    06:50:01 [INFO] margin-top: 8px
    06:50:01 [INFO] margin-bottom: 8px
    06:50:01 [INFO] } hr
    { display: none
    06:50:01 [INFO] } .radioLabel
    { cursor: hand
    06:50:01 [INFO] font-size: 20px
    06:50:01 [INFO] } .radioButton
    { cursor: hand
    06:50:01 [INFO] height: 23px
    06:50:01 [INFO] } #oopsButton
    { width: 110px
    06:50:01 [INFO] height: 28px
    06:50:01 [INFO] margin-top: 4px
    06:50:01 [INFO] margin-bottom: 38px
    06:50:01 [INFO] border: none
    06:50:01 [INFO] font-size: 12px
    06:50:01 [INFO] font-family: arial
    06:50:01 [INFO] font-weight: bold
    06:50:01 [INFO] color: white
    06:50:01 [INFO] padding-left: 17px
    06:50:01 [INFO] }
    .oopsButtonEnabled:hover, .sendButtonEnabled:hover
    { text-decoration: underli
    06:50:01 [INFO] } .oopsButtonEnabl
    ed { cursor: hand
    06:50:01 [INFO] background: url("/E5BD541E-52ED-
    4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9goback-enabled.gif") no-repeat
    06:50:01 [INFO] } .oopsButtonDisab
    led { background: url("/E5BD54
    1E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9goback-disabled.gif") no-repeat
    06:50:01 [INFO] } #sendButton
    { width: 110px
    06:50:01 [INFO] height: 28px
    06:50:01 [INFO] margin-top: 10px
    06:50:01 [INFO] border: none
    06:50:01 [INFO] font-size: 12px
    06:50:01 [INFO] font-family: arial
    06:50:01 [INFO] font-weight: bold
    06:50:01 [INFO] color: white
    06:50:01 [INFO] padding-left: 17px
    06:50:01 [INFO] } .sendButtonEnabl
    ed { cursor: hand
    06:50:01 [INFO] background: url("/E5BD541E-52ED-
    4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9goback-enabled.gif") no-repeat
    06:50:01 [INFO] } .sendButtonDisab
    led { background: url("/E5BD54
    1E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9goback-disabled.gif") no-repeat
    06:50:01 [INFO] } #messageLabel
    { margin-top: 7px
    06:50:01 [INFO] font-size: 12px
    06:50:01 [INFO] } #messageArea
    { width: 260px
    06:50:01 [INFO] padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px
    06:50:01 [INFO] } .messageAreaEnab
    led { background: url("/E5BD54
    1E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9notebg-enabled.gif") no-repeat
    06:50:01 [INFO] } .messageAreaDisa
    bled { background: url("/E5BD54
    1E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9notebg-disabled.gif") no-repeat
    06:50:01 [INFO] } #message
    { font-family: Arial
    06:50:01 [INFO] color: #D9D9D9
    06:50:01 [INFO] width: 240px
    06:50:01 [INFO] height: 70px
    06:50:01 [INFO] border: none
    06:50:01 [INFO] background-color: white
    06:50:01 [INFO] overflow: auto
    06:50:01 [INFO] } #wrongCategoryLa
    bel { font-size: 14px
    06:50:01 [INFO] } #image_holder
    { Font-family: Arial, Helvetica, s
    06:50:01 [INFO] Font-size: 38px
    06:50:01 [INFO] Font-weight: normal
    06:50:01 [INFO] } #product_name
    { Font-family: Simplified Arabic,
    Helvetica, sans-serif
    06:50:01 [INFO] Font-size: 30px
    06:50:01 [INFO] Font-weight: 900
    06:50:01 [INFO] } </style>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var agent= navig
    06:50:01 [INFO] var ver = parseInt(navigator.appVersion)
    06:50:01 [INFO] var ie = agent.indexOf("msie") >= 0
    06:50:01 [INFO] var ie6 = ie && agent.indexOf("msie 6") >= 0
    06:50:01 [INFO] var ie7 = ie && agent.indexOf("msie 7") >= 0
    06:50:01 [INFO] var ff = !ie && agent.indexOf("mozilla") >= 0
    06:50:01 [INFO] var ff2 = ff && ver == 4
    06:50:01 [INFO] var ff3 = ff && ver == 5
    06:50:01 [INFO] function radioClick() {
    var oopsButton = document.getElementById('oopsButton')
    06:50:01 [INFO] var messageLabel = document.getElementBy
    06:50:01 [INFO] var messageArea = document.getElementByI
    06:50:01 [INFO] var message = document.getElementById('m
    06:50:01 [INFO] var wrongCategory = document.getElementB
    06:50:01 [INFO] var wrongCategoryLabel = document.getEle
    06:50:01 [INFO] var sendButton = document.getElementById
    06:50:01 [INFO] if (document.getElementById('oops').chec
    ked == true) // oops checked {
    oopsButton.className = "oopsButtonEnabled"
    06:50:01 [INFO] oopsButton.disabled = false
    06:50:01 [INFO]
    messageLabel.disabled = true
    06:50:01 [INFO] message.disabled = true
    06:50:01 [INFO] wrongCategory.disabled = true
    06:50:01 [INFO] wrongCategoryLabel.disabled = tr
    06:50:01 [INFO] messageArea.className = "message
    06:50:02 [INFO] [MobArena] v0.94.4.79 enabled.
    06:50:02 [INFO] sendButton.className = "sendButt
    06:50:02 [INFO] sendButton.disabled = true
    06:50:02 [INFO] = "#D9D9D9"
    06:50:02 [INFO] } else
    { oopsButton.className = "oopsButtonDisabl
    06:50:02 [INFO] oopsButton.disabled = true
    06:50:02 [INFO] messageLabel.disabled = false
    06:50:02 [INFO] message.disabled = false
    06:50:02 [INFO] wrongCategory.disabled = false
    06:50:02 [INFO] wrongCategoryLabel.disabled = fa
    06:50:02 [INFO] // hack fix for safari 4.0 & som
    e old versions of chrome // see incident: https:/
    if (message.value.length == 0) {
    message.value = " "
    06:50:02 [INFO] message.value = ""
    06:50:02 [INFO] }
    messageArea.className = "messageAreaEnabled"
    06:50:02 [INFO] sendButton.className = "sendButt
    06:50:02 [INFO] sendButton.disabled = true
    06:50:02 [INFO] // move focus to message
    06:50:02 [INFO] // update the send button
    06:50:02 [INFO] = "black"
    06:50:02 [INFO] } } function
    handleKeyUp() { var message = document.getElemen
    06:50:02 [INFO] var sendButton = document.getElementById
    06:50:02 [INFO] [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.9.2
    06:50:02 [INFO] // enable / disable go button, change to
    oltip based on enabled or not if (message.value.length == 0)
    { sendButton.className = "sendButt
    06:50:02 [INFO] sendButton.disabled = true
    06:50:02 [INFO] sendButton.title = sendButton_te
    06:50:02 [INFO] } else
    { sendButton.className = "sendButtonEnable
    06:50:02 [INFO] sendButton.disabled = false
    06:50:02 [INFO] sendButton.title = ""
    06:50:02 [INFO] } return limitText
    (message, document.getElementById('countdown'), 250)
    06:50:02 [INFO] } function handleButton()
    { if (document.getElementById('oops').checked == true)
    { // no history, just navigate to
    a blank page if (history.length == 0 || (ff && (histo
    ry.length == 1))) {
    window.location.href = "about:blank"
    06:50:02 [INFO] }
    else { history.
    06:50:02 [INFO] }
    return true
    06:50:02 [INFO] } } function
    delayLimitText() { window.setTimeout("handleKey
    Up()", 100)
    06:50:02 [INFO] } function limitTe
    xt(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limi
    tField.value.length > limitNum) {
    limitField.value = limitField.value.substring(0, limitNum)
    06:50:02 [INFO] limitCount.innerHTML = "0"
    06:50:02 [INFO] } else
    { limitCount.innerHTML = "" + (limitNum -
    06:50:02 [INFO] } } </script>
    </head> <body onload="radioClick()"> <div id="product_name">N
    ortonΓäóSafety Minder</div> <div class="hr"><hr/></div>
    <div id="image_holder">You are not allowed to go to this site</div>
    <br/>You may not know it, but <b></b> is considered to be a <b>Un
    categorized</b> Web site. <form id="theForm" method="post" action=
    "/E5BD541E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9"> <input type="hid
    den" name="hiddenAction" value="AgABAKUAAABoAHQAdABwADoALwAvAGMAbwByAGUAcAByAG8A
    <br/> <table> <tr>
    <td rowspan=7 style="padding-right:70px">
    <img src="/E5BD541E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9buddy-blo
    ck.png"/> </td>
    <td style="padding-top:5px
    06:50:02 [INFO] width:22px"> <input i
    d="oops" type="radio" name="childAction" value="oops" class="radioButton" checke
    d="true" onclick="return radioClick()"/>
    </td> <td style="padding-top:5px">
    <label for="oops" class="radioLabel">Oops, I mad
    e a mistake! Let me go back.</label> </td>
    </tr> <tr>
    06:50:02 [INFO] </td> <td>
    <button id="oopsButton" name="oopsButton" class="oopsBut
    tonEnabled" onclick="return handleButton()">Go Back</button>
    </td> </tr>
    <tr> <td valign="top">
    <input id="note" type="radio" name="childAction" value="
    note" class="radioButton" onclick="radioClick()"/>
    </td> <td>
    <label for="note" class="radioLa
    bel">I want to tell my parents why I tried to go<br>to this Web site.</label><br
    > </td> </tr>
    <tr> <td>&nbsp
    06:50:02 [INFO] </td> <td>
    <label id="messageLabel" disabled="true">Enter message b
    elow:</label> </td>
    </tr> <tr> <td>&nbs
    06:50:02 [INFO] </td> <td>
    <div id="messageArea" class="messageAreaDisabled">
    <textarea wrap="soft" cols="24"
    rows="3" id="message" disabled="true" name="message" onkeyup="handleKeyUp()" onK
    06:50:02 [INFO] " onPaste="delayLimitText()
    06:50:02 [INFO] "></textarea><br />
    <p>(Maximum characters: 250)<br>You have <span id="countdown">250</span>
    character(s) left.</p> </div>
    </td> </tr>
    <tr> <td>
    <input id="wrongCategory" type="checkbox" name="wrongCategory"
    disabled="true"/> </td>
    <td> <label for="wron
    gCategory" id="wrongCategoryLabel" disabled="true">I don't think this should be
    considered a <b>Uncategorized</b> Web site.</label>
    </td> </tr> <tr heig
    ht="100px" valign="top"> <td>&nbsp
    06:50:02 [INFO] </td> <td>
    <button type="submit" id="sendButton" name="sendButton"
    class="sendButtonDisabled" disabled="true">Go Back</button>
    </td> </tr> </table>
    </form> <div style="visibility:hidden"> <img src="/
    E5BD541E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9goback-enabled.gif"/> <im
    g src="/E5BD541E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9goback-disabled.gif"/>
    <img src="/E5BD541E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9notebg-enabled.gif"/>
    <img src="/E5BD541E-52ED-4bfb-B06D-6E864BB01EE9notebg-disabled.gif"
    /> <input type="button" id="sendButton_template" name="sendBut
    ton_template" title="To enable this button, you must enter a message"/>
    </div> </body></html>

    actually when i look at it closer it looks like some html code is it supposed to do that?
  2. Offline


    It sure does look like HTML. Plugins?
  3. Offline


    i dont have any html plugins it didnt do this before i updated my server to the newest build

    Are u talking about server plugins or plugins on my desktop?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2016
  4. Offline


    Plugins on your server that is causing the error
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