Solved Help with kits IMPORTANT plz help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by 457undead, Aug 12, 2012.

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    i have made kits and set them up correctly. they seem to work when im op but other people say they dont work when they try them without op status. I have groupmanager. how do i set it up so the kits work for non-ops and the kits work for there specific rank? i want to have them also be able to use the kit from the ranks lower then them. Help much appreciated!
  2. Offline


    define "dont work". also you failed to mention your kit plugin.
  3. Offline


    the kits do not work for everyone but ops and my kit plugin is essentials
  4. Offline


    you need to give essentials.kit node aswell as essentials.kit.kitname
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