Solved Need Help With Multiverse-Core Spawning.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by uplusion23, Jul 23, 2012.

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    I have a server, Running Craftbukkit, And Multiverse-Core for a plugin, and I recently closed a world, and made a new one, but everyone who was in the old world is now spawning in the wrong world, and they all have to type /spawn to get to the new world. Is there a way I can have them, By default, respawn in the new world?


    World1 - Mainworld [Original World] <--- They are all spawing here.
    World2- -MembersWorld [Old World] [Now unloaded] <--- They were here.
    World3 - MembersWorld2 [New World] <--- I want them here.
  2. Offline


    Do you have EssentialsSpawn or any other plugin with a /setspawn command? If yes, use /setspawn while standing in MembersWorld2 spawn.
  3. Offline


    I've done /setspawn, [With all ranks, EG: /setspawn Member], And /mv set spawn, [With all variations.] When they type /spawn, they all go to the correct world, but the ones who were in MembersWorld, are all logging in and spawning in Mainworld, Until they type /spawn. I want them to default, log into MembersWorld2
  4. Offline


    you need to let one plugin to take over the spawning, not both of them.
  5. Offline


    I have " firstspawnoverride: 'true' " in the Multiverse Config. But what I did to solve this problem, is I shut down the server, Changed the server's Main world to 'MembersWorld2' then started it back up.
  6. Offline


    if you want multiverse to take over, change spawn priority to lowest in essentials config.yml (second to last option)
  7. Offline


    mark as solved in the thread options
  8. Offline


    Now considered 'solved'. Because I just recently got it fully working. Seems that somehow, I had to set the spawn for each group. such as '/setspawn Member', or '/Setspawn Moderator'. I also did what necrodoom said, and set spawn priority to lowest. Make sure to set the firstspawnworld, to the right world, and use /mv setspawn.
  9. Offline


    old but, did you /setspawn rankhere for every world?
  10. Offline


    Yes, I did. I believe
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