Inactive [FUN/MISC] BudgieRateMe Plugin v1.0 [1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by BudgieBr0phy, Jul 9, 2012.

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    BudgieRateMe Plugin
    Download the Plugin now on BukkitDev
    This is a quick Rating Plugin that I made that allows players to send a Rate to there Op's on a server. It is a sort of "popularity contest" in a way.
    • Rate an Op
    • Two separate Menus - Op Menu, and Non-Op Menu
    • No config file needed, just upload to the server, and work away.

    -Version 1.0
    • Creation of the plugin with basic Op/Player commands.
    /RateMe - Opens up the RateMe help menu.
    /RateMe <Op's Name> - Sends a Rate to the designated player.
    /RateMe Left - Shows the player how many Rates they have left to accept.
    /RateMe Done - Accepts the Rate sent to them by another player.
    To Do List:
    • Add in a Rate.txt so players with Server Control Panel access can see a count total of how many Rates Op's have received so it will show in a list similar to;
    Player 1 = x Rates
    Player 2 = x Rates
    Player 3 = x Rates
    • Add in the ability to rate other players(Non-Op's).
    • Add in Permission Nodes
    • Add in a config.yml
    Thank you for using my plugin and hope you like it! Please leave a comment below if you have any issues or feature requests.
    Tested and working with the latest build of CraftBukkit Build.
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    BudgieBr0phy You should probably create this project on BukkitDev since plugin submissions on are being phased out.
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    Milkywayz I put it on BukkitDev 30 minutes ago, just waiting for it to go through the review process! ;) :)
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    BudgieBr0phy Thats good to hear, you should link to your bukkit dev project page once you get the page formatted to your liking. Also, I just reviewed your project and edited out the media fire links (not allowed on BukkitDev), your project is experimental until you upload a file then it's normal.
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    Milkywayz Got it! Thanks buddy. I wasn't aware that MediaFire links weren't allowed, so I am changing it now!

    Thanks for the help Milky! :D
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    No problem, if you run into any problems or have any questions you can pm on bukkit / bukkitdev or tag me in a post and ill do my best to assist.
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    I am having a problem with my file over on the BukkitDev page Milkywayz I will send you a PM with more info.
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