Porting bukkit to minecraft xbla?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by honam1021, Jul 3, 2012.

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    I know it will need a reset glitch console to run(Since it is not approved by MS)even it is possible,but I wondered if current plugins will work if bukkit is ported to Xbox?
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    Not going to happen.

    There are just way too many technical and legal blocks (no pun intended) in the way.
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    Minecraft xbox isn't even written in Java...
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    Is theres a custom server,all player that is connecting to it will need a reset glitch/jtag console?
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    Not possible, it'd require you to reverse engineer the XBL protocol, and that isn't going to happen any time soon.
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    If I had an Xbox 360, my first priority would be to write a custom server :(
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