[REQ] Looking for a Listener for Votifier

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Phxmous, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hi if someone could please code up a listener for me or have a link to one that is already available, could you please do it for me? It is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  2. Offline


    First off... You should post this in the Votifier Listener Request forum. I know it's not very active.. at all... but some people do look at it. Or maybe it's okay to post here and I'm completely wrong...

    Anyways, you're going to need just a tad more information than that. You said you want a listener. Sure, I can give you a link to every listener. But... what type of listener? You need to be a bit more specific, so we can help. :)

    Search around here for listeners and more!
  3. Offline


    Yeah that's the reason I posted it here didn't know if it was correct.

    If I wasn't specific enough, I am looking for one where a user would vote for my server, say perhaps minestatus and would be given a reward of x money when doing so. I'm aware that you need vault and iConomy for this. Thanks

    EDIT: And it should have a global broadcaster and/or send a message to the user so it is confirmed
  4. Offline


    I would recommend VaultListener. I use it, and it works like a charm. :)

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