Moved server to new computer, now it "sorta" starts

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by TerryJ, Jun 2, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Here is a copy of my log file
    2012-06-02 14:33:28 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.2.5
    2012-06-02 14:33:28 [INFO] Loading properties
    2012-06-02 14:33:28 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    2012-06-02 14:33:28 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
    2012-06-02 14:33:28 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
    2012-06-02 14:33:28 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
    2012-06-02 14:33:28 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.2.5-R3.0-b2203jnks (MC: 1.2.5) (Implementing API version 1.2.5-R3.0)
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [SuperpermBridge] Superperm/Permissions bridge initialized
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [MultiInv] Loading MultiInv v3.0.6
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v5.3
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [VoxelSniper] Loading VoxelSniper v5.132
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [xAuth] Loading xAuth v2.0.5
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [Permissions] Loading Permissions v2.7.7
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [CraftBookCommon] Loading CraftBookCommon v453-79c3db4
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [CommandBook] Loading CommandBook v2.1
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [PermissionsBukkit] Loading PermissionsBukkit v1.6
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [OpenInv] Loading OpenInv v1.8.4
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [SpaceBukkit] Loading SpaceBukkit v0.1
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.4-b527
    2012-06-02 14:33:29 [INFO] [LogBlock] Loading LogBlock v1.52
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] [LogBlock] [LogBlock] Version check: Your version is up to date
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] [LogBlock] [LogBlock] Connecting to root@jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Minecraft...
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] [CraftBookCircuits] Loading CraftBookCircuits v453-79c3db4
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] [BlockCrusher] Loading BlockCrusher v1.7
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] [Jail] Loading Jail v2.1.3
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] [RemoteToolkitPlugin] Loading RemoteToolkitPlugin v0.61
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] [CraftBookMechanisms] Loading CraftBookMechanisms v453-79c3db4
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] [CraftBookVehicles] Loading CraftBookVehicles v453-79c3db4
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] Preparing level "1"
    2012-06-02 14:33:30 [INFO] Default game type: 0
    2012-06-02 14:33:31 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -1313911635)
    2012-06-02 14:33:32 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 44%
    2012-06-02 14:33:32 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -1313911635)
    2012-06-02 14:33:33 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 16%
    2012-06-02 14:33:34 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 81%
    2012-06-02 14:33:34 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -1313911635)
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 44%
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] [MultiInv] Enabling MultiInv v3.0.6
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] MultiInv version 3.0.6 is enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v5.3
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] [VoxelSniper] Enabling VoxelSniper v5.132
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] [VoxelSniper] Config loaded
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] VoxelSniper version 5.132 is enabled! Snipe away.
    2012-06-02 14:33:35 [INFO] [xAuth] Enabling xAuth v2.0.5
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [xAuth] Bukkit Permissions enabled (no plugin detected)
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [xAuth] Successfully established connection to MySQL database
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [xAuth] v2.0.5 Enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [Permissions] Enabling Permissions v2.7.7
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [SuperpermBridge] Superperm/Permissions bridge enabled
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [CraftBookCommon] Enabling CraftBookCommon v453-79c3db4
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] CraftBookCommon 453-79c3db4 enabled.
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [CommandBook] Enabling CommandBook v2.1
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [CommandBook] Maximum wrapper compatibility is enabled. Some features have been disabled to be compatible with poorly written server wrappers.
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Sessions successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [CommandBook] 12 banned name(s) loaded.
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Bans successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Help successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Freeze successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Homes successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Warps successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Messaging successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Teleports successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Inventory successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [CommandBook] 1 kit(s) loaded.
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Kits successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component JingleNote successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Time Control successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Name Verification successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Fun successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Debug successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Thor successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Online List successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Stored Messages successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Spawn Locations successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Info successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component World Tools successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [FINEST] [CommandBook] Component Player Commands successfully enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [PermissionsBukkit] Enabling PermissionsBukkit v1.6
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [PermissionsBukkit] Enabled successfully, 0 players registered
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [OpenInv] Enabling OpenInv v1.8.4
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [OpenInv] version 1.8.4 enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:33:36 [INFO] [SpaceBukkit] Enabling SpaceBukkit v0.1
    2012-06-02 14:33:37 [INFO] [SpaceBukkit] Database contains 4559 plugins.
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] |        SpaceBukkit version 0.1 is now enabled!        |
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.4-b527
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] - Version 2.4-b527 (API v14) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] [AllPay] - Version 10.0 - using only an item based economy for Multiverse-Core v2.4-b527
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - '1' - Env: NORMAL - Type: NORMAL & seed: -1313911635
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - '1_nether' - Env: NETHER - Type: NORMAL & seed: -1313911635
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - '1_the_end' - Env: THE_END - Type: NORMAL & seed: -1313911635
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - '2' - Env: NORMAL - Type: NORMAL & seed: 64542286
    2012-06-02 14:34:27 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: 64542286)
    2012-06-02 14:34:28 [INFO] Preparing spawn area for 2, 73%
    2012-06-02 14:34:29 [INFO] [CommandBook] 0 Homes(s) loaded for 2
    2012-06-02 14:34:29 [INFO] [CommandBook] 0 Warps(s) loaded for 2
    2012-06-02 14:34:29 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - '2_nether' - Env: NETHER - Type: NORMAL & seed: -1041000736
    2012-06-02 14:34:29 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 4 (Seed: -1041000736)
    2012-06-02 14:34:30 [INFO] Preparing spawn area for 2_nether, 69%
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [INFO] Preparing spawn area for 2_nether, 93%
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [WARNING] [CommandBook] Failed to load warps for world 2_nether: plugins\CommandBook\homes\2_nether.csv (The system cannot find the file specified)
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [WARNING] [CommandBook] Failed to load warps for world 2_nether: plugins\CommandBook\warps\2_nether.csv (The system cannot find the file specified)
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - '2_the_end' - Env: THE_END - Type: NORMAL & seed: -1041000736
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 5 (Seed: -1041000736)
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [WARNING] [CommandBook] Failed to load warps for world 2_the_end: plugins\CommandBook\homes\2_the_end.csv (The system cannot find the file specified)
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [WARNING] [CommandBook] Failed to load warps for world 2_the_end: plugins\CommandBook\warps\2_the_end.csv (The system cannot find the file specified)
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] 6 - World(s) loaded.
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [INFO] [LogBlock] Enabling LogBlock v1.52
    2012-06-02 14:34:31 [INFO] [LogBlock] [LogBlock] Permissions plugin found.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [LogBlock] [LogBlock] Using own chest access API
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [LogBlock] [LogBlock] Scheduled consumer with bukkit scheduler.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [LogBlock] LogBlock v1.52 by DiddiZ enabled.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [CraftBookCircuits] Enabling CraftBookCircuits v453-79c3db4
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] CraftBookCircuits 453-79c3db4 enabled.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] CraftBook: Enumerating chunks for self-triggered components...
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] CraftBook: 3873 chunk(s) for 6 world(s) processed (0s elapsed)
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [BlockCrusher] Enabling BlockCrusher v1.7
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [BlockCrusher version: 1.7] - config.yml loaded.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [BlockCrusher version: 1.7] - Enabled
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [Jail] Enabling Jail v2.1.3
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 2 jail zones.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 1 prisoners.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 3 cells.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [Jail] Jail v2.1.3 loaded!
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [RemoteToolkitPlugin] Enabling RemoteToolkitPlugin v0.61
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] Memory max: 1037959168 bytes
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] Memory total: 1037959168 bytes
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] Remote Toolkit Plugin V0.61 enabled!
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [CraftBookMechanisms] Enabling CraftBookMechanisms v453-79c3db4
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] CraftBookMechanisms 453-79c3db4 enabled.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] 1 cauldron recipe(s) loaded
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] [CraftBookVehicles] Enabling CraftBookVehicles v453-79c3db4
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] CraftBookVehicles 453-79c3db4 enabled.
    2012-06-02 14:34:32 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    2012-06-02 14:34:33 [INFO] Done (62.152s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2012-06-02 14:34:33 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-06-02 14:34:33 [INFO] / lost connection
    2012-06-02 14:34:33 [INFO] / lost connection
    My batch file:
    @echo off
    java -Xmx30M -Xms30M -XX:MaxPermSize=40M -jar Minecraft_RKit.jar lol:nope
    When ever the server is starting up, it will seem to accept packets coming in, but as soon as it fully boots I get the lost connection thing and the server doesn't even show up on any Minecraft client. I'm also doing this locally.

    I feel like it could possibly be my router or Ethernet cable but I'm connected to the server through Remote Desktop and VNC so that probably isn't it. And my router isn't the best, but it does the job.

    I also used to have the server running on my personal desktop, but I built a new server computer just for it now, and this is what is happening. It ran perfectly fine on my desktop, but I re-setup mySQL, SpaceBukkit and all that other black-jazz.

    Has anyone seen an error like this before?
  2. Offline


    yeah, set online-mode to true, should help
  3. Offline


    I have that disabled so people who don't own Minecraft can play on my server, reason being I have xAuth. I had online-mode set to off before I moved the server and was working fine.

    Hump to the bump

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
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