I'm a newb, and I need help with region selection, and manipulating blocks in the region. Thanks!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Plazmotech, May 24, 2012.

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    As the title says, I need help. Lots of it. I need to know how to select a region, and how to manipulate blocks in it. The manipulation should be easy, but how to I place blocks, etc. ? I would like to have them select a wooden sword, and then it saves as a region. Every 3 days or so the blocks in the region get changed. Please help!!!!
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    For a "newb", this wont be so possible, unless someone walks you through it step by step. You might just want to use the WorldGuard API. ;)
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    Easy way to do this would be to save the location of the two corners that were clicked into a file and then manipulate the blocks within the X, Y, and Z as needed using a loop.
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    Ok, i'm not thaaaat newb. I don't have THAT much experience with java, but I do with other languages.
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    Im still gonna recommend your implement WorldGuard ;)
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