[Buy] Signs for Permissions!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Harry8550, Apr 9, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hey, I'm looking for a plugin to be made which can sell permissions from a sign. The format of the sign could be [buy] then The permission node or the command used to perform the ability, then the amount for the permission, So for example:

    essentials.nuke (or /Nuke or Nuke)

    This should also update the permissions in real time and as soon as they buy the permission they can use it:)

    PermissionsEX Compatible also please? :D
  2. Offline


    I'll make this for you, after a quick check to see if it hasn't already been made. Mind needing to have the Vault API plugin?
  3. Offline


    Wouldn't mind at all, As long as it works i'm happy:D
  4. Offline


    Alrighty, a little bit busy tonight, but you should have a working version tomorrow.
  5. Offline


    Posting because this is relevant to my interests and I will use it.
  6. Offline


    Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/68028044/SignPermissions-1.0.jar

    Permission nodes:
    • SignPermissions.use - Use a sign permission sign
    • SignPermissions.create - Create a sign permission sign
    • SignPermissions.destory - Destroy a sign permission sign
    • sign_head - What to place on the top line of a sign to identify a permission sign. - Default: [Buy]
    Sign format:
    • %header% - the configured sign_head
    • %node% - The permission node - Example: derp.derp
    • %price% - The price as a double/int - Example: 50.55
    • %anything% - Whatever you want
    Will be releasing this as an actual plugin after some cleanup, will include the source and all. Any suggestions for features before I do that?
  7. Offline


    Thank you SO MUCH! ehm, you could mabye add permissions with a time limit? like /home for only 7 days or something? Don't know if this would work but i guess it could be a extra feature, other than that i have no other ideas :p Thanks again!!
  8. Offline


    Hi, I am using your plugin on my server and I was wondering if you knew of a way to place long nodes on the signs(ex. mobdisguise.mob.sheep). Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  9. Offline


    There's not much I could do, except to allow splitting a node across two lines.
  10. Offline


    Couldn't you do it so that If you need a long node you can use a command to set it, similar to how HiddenCommandSigns work. That way you could maybe even set whatever you want on the sign and then use the command to set the actuall purchase.
  11. Offline


    Unfortunately not, not really where I want to go with this, it would require storing sign locations, and the node on them.
  12. Offline


    Do all permission nodes work with this for any plugin or only essentials permissions and for
    Mobdisguise do mobdisguise.[sheep|pig] for sheep and pig and it's small
  13. Offline


    Lul. No, any node will work. I don't develop crap for Essentials. Any permission plugin will work as long as Vault supports it. You must have vault, also.
  14. Offline


    any way you can make it so the node can be 2 lines? and also why does the [Buy] turn red
  15. Offline


    Not SignPermission's doing. Likely a conflicting plugin.
  16. Offline


    Hey this plugin looks very nice. But is it possible to add a time limit for the permission, e.g. day/week/month?
  17. Offline


    There kinda already was a plugin that was able to do it: serversigns

    This allows for just normal text on the sign as well and have a command on the "back attached" to it.
    For example you make a sign with. "Buy warp here for 50 bucks" and then adding the the command with (pex example here):
    "/svs add <server> pex user <player> add plugin.node"

    It also allows for delayed commands which makes it possible to remove the permission after some time
  18. Offline


    this is pretty cool kanda!
    Thank you very much I think this is what i'm looking for.
  19. Offline


    There you guys go, check out ServerSigns, does what SignPermissions does and more. :D
  20. Offline


    Darq can you make it so Sign Permissions works with essentials?? Cause the [Buy] Make a conflict
  21. Offline


    Just change the [Buy] in the config file.

    Also, I'd switch over to ServerSigns, because from what I understand, Darq is not planning on updating his version, because the other one is better. (no offence) <3

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  22. Offline


    I prefer this one honestly lol
  23. Offline


    Darq could you make it so you can use 2 signs cause that would fix the perm to long thing

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