HeroChat Bug?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by okalawolf, Mar 7, 2012.

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    I have just updated HeroChat and I just figured out most of it, but I'm having a problem with the channel tag (Example: [G] <Username>: <msg>, [L] <Username>: <msg>). I also need help with the colors of ranks or is it supposed to be part of the permissions (I am using Pex [PermissionsEx]).

    I you help you will get a special rank in my new server! What special rank you ask? The Aid rank!
    What benefits are in that rank?
    - Flying
    - Spawning Items
    - Get $5000 in-game to help you get started!

    (I have been working on the server for more than 2 weeks, and I am setting up the plugins atm and need help)

    Thanks A Lot!

    Here have some Diamondz!!!
    [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond] [diamond]
  2. Offline


    heres the color codes:
    &0 = black
    &1 =dark blue
    &2 =dark greeen
    &3 =dark aqua
    &4 =dark red
    &5 =purple
    &6 =gold
    &7 =gray
    &8 =dark gray
    &9 =blue
    &a =bright green
    &b =aqua
    &c =red
    &d =pink
    &e =yellow
    &f =white

    and could u please tell me your IP?

    and the color codes r part of the permissions i think

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
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    Do you have skype or anything to contact you easily with? and thanks!

    Also, I have a problem with promoting people up ranks in order (Defualt ---> VIP ----> etc.)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
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    i use herochat and pex too
    and post your permissions please
  5. Offline


    I have read over HeroChat in BukkitDev (Comments, etc.) and the authors of the plugin say that it is a config/setup problem. Does this relate to the permissions?
  6. Offline


    promoting has nothing to do with herochat and post your permissions please
  7. Offline


    ok one sec
  8. Offline


    could u be faster i have to go
  9. Offline



    Sorry, internet problems x. x

    Btw I need to know why it won't show what channel they are in ([G], [L], etc.)...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
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    says unknow paste id :/
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