Inactive [FUN/FIX] CartJump v2.0 - Allows minecarts to jump [1.2.3-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by lemonzap, Aug 22, 2011.

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    Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been learning to mod minecraft lately so I've been busy. I have a few mods in the works right now but I haven't released any of them yet. I was getting so many messages about updating my plugin I decided to take a break from modding to make you all happy:D . It should all work the same and I'll try to add in some new features soon. Also if you make any cool rollercoasters using my plugin then make a video and post the link here.

    CartJump Version: v2.0
    This plugin simply allows minecarts to travel further when going of a cliff. rather than plummeting, the minecart has a more realistic momentum. This allows for mine cart jumps and other such things.

    • Minecarts travel further through the air
    • Minecart jumps are possible
    • configure horizontal and vertical jumping speeds/distances
    Download most recent release
    demonstration video

    Version 2.0
    • added config file
    Version 1.1
    • fixed an error caused by the VehicleMove event including boats
    Version 1.0
    • Initial release increasing minecart in air travel distance
    Royalgamer06 and iPeace like this.
  2. Offline


    yeah uhh sorry im a noob but where do i put the files? [cake]
  3. Offline


    Is there plans to update this for the new event system?

    If not, can the source be made available? I would love to update this for 1.1R6/the future.
    xsolar66 likes this.
  4. Offline


    Please update to R6!
    xsolar66 likes this.
  5. Offline


    Yes please updateeee!!! BB 1.2.3 please
  6. Offline


    Ah this is one of those plugins that has just become completely essential to how our server works...

    Heaps of encouragement :) and hoping for an update!
    Royalgamer06 likes this.
  7. Offline


    Yes, my whole roller coaster get broke then!
  8. Offline


    Please update to R6 !!! We want this plugin!
  9. Offline


    Yeah AllAbroard is updated! Take a look!
  10. Offline


    what do you mean?
  11. Offline


    Nothing, to make a long story short. I needed to edit my post to something
  12. Offline


    where is the comparison between AllAboard and CartJump? I hoped somebody would update it -.-
  13. Offline


    *new update*
    Royalgamer06 likes this.
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  15. Offline


    In case the author leaves the plugin out-of-date for a long period of time again, I've made a similar plugin which also has finer-grained control of cart velocity and considerable performance improvement: FlyingTub. Also it's open-source so even if I disappeared someone else can continue maintaining it.

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