Looking for some awesome guys to join our big MMORPG MC Server project

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by luke100, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hi guys,
    let me introduce myself, im a 18 jear old student from germany and found out about the existence of minecraft..nah..maybe a year ago. Its pretty much my favourite game so far so i decided to make a server..than i did another and another...but after time i recognized that is was all the same, that i build everything i always wanted and that i found every secret of the MC world.

    So me and some fellow gamers who have also expirienced this, decided to make a overall new server, but to make it different from others we brainstormed a lot and we came up with a MC server fusing the two styles, the creative minecraft and the long time playable style of MMORPGs.

    The idea was to create this server:
    Story: Two or more factions made so much war on each ither that they destroyed the modern world, so they travel back in time to continue their war, but after the last great war they nearly forget every technologic knowledge. They reach the past and know nothing but their old enemy so the war starts again.

    The startworld in which the player chooses his faction --> he than reaches a nonpvp, one faction only world with cities, building zones, quests and more story line. After reaching higher levels, he gets the ability to join the warzone in which the factions fight each other and can conquer forts, which they can improve and much more.

    Leveling and Skills:
    The leveling should be based on the ingame MC exp, so a plugin, containing a playerexplevelchange listener changes their permgroups when reaching certain levels. these permlvl groups than grants the player more and more perms the more he player (such as wearing diamond armor....). As a skill plugin we decided to us MCmmo or equal things.

    what we also want to improve is the neatless integration of the website into the server, that means every data gets saved in a global database which can than be looked up from the homepage. That implements rankings, shops on the homepage, player profiles and much more.

    our team rented a 50€/m root server, offering 8 Gbs of ram, 4 cores and 2 TB storage. It ihas a 150 Gbit backbone, a domain, and a static ip adress.

    Our team:

    Lukas alias Scharnhorst100(18) (manager, level creator, storywriter, programmer)
    Simon alias Theberus (18) (level creator, video and 3d artist, storywriter, programmer)
    Victor alias LaFiesta (18) (webdesigner, webcoder, level creator)
    Boris alias _Builder98_ (13) (level, plugins ...)

    Mark alias ArcticLaw (16) (programmer, level design...)
    Julian alias Julian (16) (programmer, level design, advertising)

    Micha alias Haniball_1 (28) (video, level creator, quester)
    Foith alias MDEnrage (18) (level and story)
    Andi alias MSCW (17) (level and story)
    Philip alias Tw0Hand (22) (level and story)
    Jan alias Jan0245 (18)(level and story)
    Felix alias felix713 (18)(level and story)

    Scott alias xEviltoasterX (19) (level, coding an stuff)
    ...alias BulletmagnetTH (18) (level and story)

    Giulia alias squared (18) (concept art)


    A good, interested Java Programmer
    Betatesters willing to test our server and give us feedback
    some more people writing quests, wikis, story and so on


    write and email to: webspider1[at]gmx.de
    comment on this thread
    visit our forum at crusoecraft.net (need to register to see the content)
    check out our old MCserver at crusocraft.net:)25565)

    We are looking forward to you, so if you are interested just contact us=)
  2. Offline


    My skype is "albireox".
  3. Offline


    ok i added you, as far as you skype location is bosnia=)

    You can also add me in skype, name is luke10004

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
  4. Offline


    Add me on Skype, I will test the server and maybe make a quick plugin or two :D My Skype Username is "marco_s_p" (Without the "") Thanks
  5. Offline


    well its completely under developement, so you wont be able to test that much, also because we started the project a few days ago=). but why dont you register at the forum and get a view on what we plan to do ;)

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