Your creating a new item every time the command is executed. You need to get the item in the players hand and edit the ItemMeta accordingly.
Thanks for this, is there anyway you can add a way to apply offsets to the particles? This is something that previous libraries support. I'm...
I'm really not sure where your random 'action' is in what you have provided. Anyway, if you have a list and you want get a random object from a...
The code will still compile. Deprecation is used to warn/acknowledge that the method may not be available in the future. In this case, bukkit is...
@EventHandler public void onNPCInteract(NPCRightClickEvent e){ if(e.getNPC().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("NPC NAME"){...
At: Location timeoutLocation = getTimeoutLoc.get(rightclick); You are trying to get the value of the key player without checking if that key...
Material.NETHER_WARTS refers to the nether wart block. Bukkit/Minecraft does not recognize that block as an ItemStack so its reverted to stone....
Hes saying to remove the loop. You are looping through every player on the server in what it seems like you only want to display to the player...
dmgd.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, 1, 5)); The 1 in that new PotionEffect represents 1 tick. There are 20 ticks in...
Are you trying to check if they are clicking a dirt block that is placed? At the moment that code will only trigger if you interact with a dirt...
PlayerMoveEvent. Then you can do things like get there X,Y,Z of where they are and where they are about to step.
So are you trying to make the item shoot away from where the player is facing?
Listen for the PlayerPickupItemEvent, If it's the item you want to launch, then cancel the event and apply vector/velocity. I'm not entirely sure...
Err.. Try spawning the entity a few blocks higher so its not in the floor?
Separate names with a comma.