Cancell the event and do entity.damage(dmg , source)
Um make it sit?
Oh and the player may not see the lightning unless you cast it 1 tick after
Oh i forgot
Domain classes should use static AFAIK
Listen to player sneak event... if he sneaks add him to a map.... listen on interact event , if he is in the map , and it matches your stuff throw...
Also obfuscate....and send the weirdest packets you can do
Make a class to hold your data, make a Plugin variable that is public and static. Pass the instance on the onEnable method Access it
Youre passing the player object , not a string
PlayerSneakEvent and PlayerInteractEvent dont forget to update inventory
1) Access Plugin instance properly 2)Save the config 3) Main.plugin.getConfig().getStringList("WorldGuard.RegionWhitelist").add(args[2]); does...
Good time on bukkit. I have some great friends now. ~Goodbye
If the array is null there would be no arguments...not even a number. Check if its null first
Separate names with a comma.